Thank you Wonderment!
Excellent information!
among the reasons the watchtower society gives in appendix c of the new world translation for inserting the name jehovah in the new testament is the following:.
· " in greek, is the definite article missing from before kyʹri·os (lord), where it would normally be expected grammatically, thus indicating that a proper name may originally have appeared in the greek text?
d. does anyone know if this is a valid argument?
Thank you Wonderment!
Excellent information!
among the reasons the watchtower society gives in appendix c of the new world translation for inserting the name jehovah in the new testament is the following:.
· " in greek, is the definite article missing from before kyʹri·os (lord), where it would normally be expected grammatically, thus indicating that a proper name may originally have appeared in the greek text?
d. does anyone know if this is a valid argument?
Among the reasons the Watchtower society gives in appendix c of the New World Translation for inserting the name Jehovah in the New Testament is the following:
· " In Greek, is the definite article missing from before Kyʹri·os (Lord), where it would normally be expected grammatically, thus indicating that a proper name may originally have appeared in the Greek text? (For example, Mr. 13:20)"
Does anyone know if this is a valid argument? It sounds like the copyists would not have known Greek grammar in order to have made such a blunder by replacing the tetragrammaton with Kyrios and neglecting to put in the definite article.
to whom it may concern: .
i am writing this letter in the hope of reconnecting with two jehovah’s witness elders whom i met at a literature display in downtown new braunfels, across the street from krause’s.
i explained to them that my daughter is a jehovah’s witness and, therefore, i am somewhat familiar with their beliefs.
And you never will!
Gilbert Simental, a former elder of the Mountain View California congregation, abused 3 young girls including the plaintiff who goes by the initials J.W. at a pool party at his home in 2006. During the trial, in order to show how the society handles abuse allegations, the plaintiff requested the Watchtower society to produce its records of known child abusers. Watchtower refused. Because of that the judge ruled that Watchtower should pay over 4 million dollars to the plaintiff. Watchtower appealed to the U. S. Supreme Court on the grounds that its first amendment rights were violated. The appeal was denied.
matt 28: 19 is the year text.
new understanding on joel ch 2 who are the locusts?.
there is a new building addition to warwick in the works.
According to Joel 2:12-27 the locust plague does not bring a complete destruction. Israel repents and receives God's blessing. He drives the locusts away and promises never again to bring such a plague upon them. They are his people. Never again will they be put to shame.
I would imagine this would be the chief reason for the change in understanding. The society could never picture Christendom spoken of by God as being his people and receiving his blessing. So it must apply to Jehovah's Witnesses. But how will they explain the features of this prophecy that clearly indicates that the locust plague is brought on because of the wickedness of his people?
matt 28: 19 is the year text.
new understanding on joel ch 2 who are the locusts?.
there is a new building addition to warwick in the works.
Previously the locust plague was to come against the wayward Jews. The first fulfillment came in 33 CE when the Christians came as locusts with a devastating preaching campaign before the destruction of the temple in 70 CE.
The second fulfillment was to occur just prior to Armageddon by means of the preaching of Jehovah's Witnesses against apostate Christendom.
*** w61 12/1 pp. 713-726 United Against Nations in the Valley of Decision ***
matt 28: 19 is the year text.
new understanding on joel ch 2 who are the locusts?.
there is a new building addition to warwick in the works.
This was posted on Reddit:
The locusts of Joel Chapter 2 no longer refer to Jehovah's Witnesses and events surrounding 1919. The locusts in Revelation chapter 22 however still do refer to the anointed, but are now no longer connected with the prophecy on Joel. Joel 2 now refers to the "Babylonians", the coalition of nations that will try to destroy God's people. The context of Joel chapter 2 points the time period of fulfilment to Jehovah's Day in the Great Tribulation and how God will save his people.
matt 28: 19 is the year text.
new understanding on joel ch 2 who are the locusts?.
there is a new building addition to warwick in the works.
New understanding of the locust plague of Joel chapter 2
Question: Since, according to Joel 2:11, the locust army is described as Jehovah’s military force, wouldn't that mean, according to this new understanding, instead of Gog it is Jehovah that is leading the coalition of nations?
i really enjoyed it and thought i'd share for what it's worth....
As an ex Witness it's so easy for conversations to degenerate into what's wrong with the Watchtower society. Articles like these that focus on how wonderful God is are so healthy. Thanks for sharing.