ROFL@simplesally !
NPY ---- paperboys
I will never live that down will I?
I love you Sally for always being there and knowing what it's like to get through all of this.
So many more I have chatted with and met.
Sassy...your honesty in talking about yourself and life experiences.
Farkel...You know, not the you know, but you know.
FMZ, Winston, Shotgun, Gumby, Sixy, Badger, Littletoe, Junctionguy and wife and all the other hottie guys I met in Dallas, oh and Valis from Dallas..Hottie beyond discription.
Lyineyes and Wild Turkey, the cutest couple in the world.
And the ones I will always have in my heart, Arrowstar and Countrygirl..........I now believe in Angels!
Wasasister who should be my sister...Casseline should be too....hearts of gold.
Blondie for her wisdom and watchtower studies......
And Simon for inventing this board, and his wife for putting up with the hours he puts into it.
And the reason I never post on these kind of threads, all the others I have forgotten.
Oh and my new best friend Preston!!!