To those who missed it or for that matter, even care, Craig aka Barney Fife,Onacruse,Mr. Biker chick,The Terminator and Bald Headed Wookie (my favorite), is taking a very much needed break from this board. He's made it sound like he is leaving forever, if so I'll be taking bets on this one and might even give some odds. I just talked to him on the phone, it was maybe the fourth time I have called him out of the probably fifteen billion phone calls we have had. I could tell he was down when in the middle of one of the threads he started he said it was time for him to leave the board. I knew someday he would go, but I didn't like to see him go in the manner he did.
Craig has watched me come and go without any announcement several times in the last few years. Even though he did not make one of those famous "I'm leaving the board for good, good-by cruel world" kind'a threads, he snuck it in in the middle of his last thread. I hope he is not gone forever but I certainly understand the need for a break. Two and a half years ago, Alan F called me and told me he wanted me to talk to this guy. He gave Craig my number and our friendship began. In the beginning, our conversations consisted of him trying to defend some of the more bible based doctrines of the JW's and me laughing and making a few sarcastic comments (once in a great while, I do come off as sarcastic, it's an illness) and telling him he's a smart guy and he'll figure it all out someday.
I, as well as a few others like Alan and Farkel told Craig to come to JWD and start reading and posting. He was reluctant at first but in a few months joined the board. As with most things Craig does, he jumped in with both feet and made JWD a big part of his life. His big heart and kind character began to be seen by all. As Craig posted, read, researched and learned he began to change his views on almost every aspect of his life. He soon became a mod and as with some mods and ex-mods (such as myself), he found dealing with the day to day workings of a discussion board full of hurting (and mostly neurotic) people was sucking the life out of him. He was a big part of one of the biggest clean sweeps of disgruntled posters on this board and thus was given the nick name Barney Fife (yep, it was me who gave him that name, the man seemed to be on a mission from god) and his actions during that time eventually did a number on Craig.
Most people have no idea what kind of crap the mods have to deal with on a daily basis. I have the highest respect for those who can stick it out. I use to be a cop many years ago, that was easy compared to being a mod on JWD. Anyway, the mod job finally got to Craig a few months back and he resigned his position and turned in his Mayberry uniform. Oh ya, he met Bikerchick in the process, fell in love with her cheese and bologna sandwiches and then married her (I got a crock pot out of the deal) and once again, began a new life. For a ten foot tall middle aged exJW with hair grooming issues, he did damn good.
Craig has been through a lot in his life, a few marriages to JW women, the death of his brother, a sentence to Bethel hell, and the life altering smack up side the head when he come to realize the religion he put his whole heart and soul into was nothing more than a deceitful money making machine wrapped in a religious sheep's clothing. Not unlike most of us here on this board, it's why we are all here. During all this bullshit, one thing never changed in the man I call one of my very good friends. That is the incredibly huge heart that ticks in the middle of this Robocop sized teddy bear of a man. He has put a lot of himself into this board, and this board has taken a lot out of him. I must have told him a thousand times not to take it all too seriously. But, the only way Craig knows how to take things is seriously. That is because like many here, he thinks too much, feels too much and cares too much. Ya can't fault a guy for that, you just have to appreciate where he is coming from and thank Buddha (or reasonable facsimile) that you had the chance to get to know the guy, even if it was only for a short while.
Hopefully he will just take long breaks and slip in and out like many of us old time posters here do. If not, I know I will see and talk to him again and I'm sure the many here who have talked with him on the phone will stay in contact. Craig has helped shape ths board into what it is today, weather you like the way it is or not, his kind heart and strong presance will be here for a very long time.
Have a good break my friend or if you stay away for good, enjoy your life. Mayberry will not be the same without you,
PS: Craig just called and I told him I was going to post this. He told me he is going to do what I did the last time I disappeared from the board for a long rest. He is going to wipe out all the JW/ exJW / religious stuff off his computer and watch more Southpark. It feels great just to be able to come back here and play and not take it so serious. He's not even worried about the morons who will pull this up on a different exJW site and mock him and the rest of us like what usually happens. Walking away for a while feels great, closing the glass door behind you keeps the cold out. Life goes on.