I missed you....
And as usual, your post was right on.
i don't have a clue how a computer works.
i just turn it on and point and click and i am able to do what i need to do, unless of course something goes wrong, or in the worst case scenario if my little machine experiences the dreaded blue-screen crash, then i am really in a mess.
that is the way the financial system is for most people.
I missed you....
And as usual, your post was right on.
i just got my cat neutered..... i know its the responsible thing to do...but i still feel horrible about it!.
My ex use to do that.....ewwwwwwwwwww
i just got my cat neutered..... i know its the responsible thing to do...but i still feel horrible about it!. have a male cat?
Do you know how many kittens he can make in a year? Do you know how many die?
They are starved, abused, and then taken to the humane society where they smell death every day, waithing for someone to adopt them.
The adoption process is grueling, do you own your own home?, if not a letter from your landlord is required to give them a home.
99% of them are put down.....
feel bad for the children. And pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee do some research...Tom cats don't live did the right thing.
just thought i would take some time to worship billy joel!!!!!!
is there any need to build him up.......come worship with me people!
Saw him when his only hit was "Piano Man"
wonder why I am in love with the piano man to this day???????
note: all single apostrophes have been deleted by simon's software from this word document i just pasted here.. .
one of the problems with any discussion board is that it doesnt allow us much of an opportunity to show other dimensions of ourselves.
my great passion is and has always been serious music.
Go take your nap, and I'm not going to tell you again!
note: all single apostrophes have been deleted by simon's software from this word document i just pasted here.. .
one of the problems with any discussion board is that it doesnt allow us much of an opportunity to show other dimensions of ourselves.
my great passion is and has always been serious music.
A gifted writer and a musician?
You are way cool Farkel.
My gifts are verboseness, and I like to talk alot.
Take longer naps and maybe you will have enough energy to continue writing and playing. (the piano)
I look forward to hearing your music.
i just got this email from the founder of this jw board... i wonder which "large apostate board" he is talking about.
(this whole thing makes me think of spy vs. spy): .
date:10 jul 2002 12:02:30 -0700to:from:[email protected] | block address | add to address booksubject:ofn message board to close down
...and so for all you so called other witnesses...if you are reading this..and you know you shouldn't be....
Turn your selves in ...You know you are bad..[.;)]
i just got this email from the founder of this jw board... i wonder which "large apostate board" he is talking about.
(this whole thing makes me think of spy vs. spy): .
date:10 jul 2002 12:02:30 -0700to:from:[email protected] | block address | add to address booksubject:ofn message board to close down
Lisa...nice to see you back on this one...
I was Bently on
I also got the e-mail from focus.
How dare you!
You have threatened me before. Not anymore. You are DF'd, not I. I have not done anything to require a df'ing.
You and your so called witnesses, have defamed me, slandered me, and I have not returned the slander.
You think anyone who has a right to think, to ask questions is an apostate?
You are scum.
You have comitted sins.
You call yourself a witness of Jehovah?
Make right your sins, and then cast the first stone.
I fed you in my home......
here are the notes for the sunday morning session of the zealous kingdom proclaimers district convention, the "fine spiritual food" that jw's are fed .
a people zealous for fine works- tit.
it seems like there has been a lot of talk here about anger, bitterness, resentment of the jdubs, and so on... i've read a few posts where current dubs, or someone in the process of leaving, asks 'why are y'all here, on this site, so many years after you left?
' or 'why all the anger and resentment?
why not let it go & move on with your life?'.
You will start crying...alot, and then the healing will start.