God, Lloyd is still tweeting nonsense.
Too many tweets make a twat.
And Lloyd is definitely making a twat out of himself.
original reddit post (removed).
God, Lloyd is still tweeting nonsense.
Too many tweets make a twat.
And Lloyd is definitely making a twat out of himself.
original reddit post (removed).
One of Lloyds latest Tweets:
“There's so much made-up stuff online about both me & Dijana right now it's overwhelming. Chasing down every last channel & social media account that's spreading lies is a monumental task but I'm damned well going to do it if it takes yrs. My work is too important to let them win“
FFS, Activism “work” is not as important as he likes to make out. He’s more interested in his legacy than his family, and he’s so worried that he will be forgotten and his last 10 years “work” will be flushed down the toilet.
He just can’t move on can he. He will NEED the WT for the rest of his life, he can’t survive without them. It’s so fucking sad when you think about it. The WT has Lloyd trapped in a weird merry go round scenario that never ends.
Lloyd thinks he’s his own man, owns his own mind, and does what he wants. But he NEEDS the WT.
He thinks about and spends more time on WT than the average elder pioneer. The average JW forgets about the religion the moment they take their tie off. With “pre study”, meeting attendance, ministry, the Average JW spends 1 Hour study, 4 hours at the meeting, 2 hours ministry a week. That’s 7 Hours a week, or on average 1 hour/4.2% of a day. Lloyds “Job” is to think about WT material 5 days a week, 8 hours a day.
He’s more trapped than the vast majority of JWs and he doesn’t even know it. And will refuse to ever recognise that sad sad fact. Poor little man.
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I don’t think Lloyd is a WT plant, that’s not how they operate.
He does make out he knows some info on the WT he isn’t releasing, I also think that’s a bluff. Power Trip.
One video I’ve watched said apparently his old friend Rick Fenton is in the service department, not the public info office like he stated 7 years ago. A small but significant fact he conveniently changed. A friend in the service department definitely would help him get off with a slap on the wrist.
That sister in the video above made a good point, “his rebuttals are longer than the conventions themselves, you might as well GO to the convention”. He’s so fucking boring.
known his wife her whole life.
they have served both in mississippi and minnesota..
If you guys think he’s not getting DF’d after being in the newspaper for child porn, your sadly mistaken.
If he got caught out and it stayed in the congregation, who knows.
But the God damn newspaper?!
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I suspect Lloyds wife and her parents know about the abuse and were complicit in covering it up. And now he’s holding that against them.
That’s the only conclusion I can come to how his wife is still with him, and he’s still living in the house. Anyone with any ethics and morals would have kicked that piece of shit to the curb.
Everyone saying how it’s suspicious the email address was deleted, maybe Lloyd deleted it because he has been found out.
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If I was Lloyd, and I hadn’t done anything involving minors, I would be on the first flight back to the UK reporting to the police station to clear my name. AND, I would make a video assuring my “listeners” I am innocent, and telling them exactly what I’m doing and where I’m going to prove it is all made up slander. It’s 2022 for Fucks sake, the police can get to the bottom of it all by dinner time with all the Technology they have at their disposal.
The fact he is just plowing ahead, and talking about The Matrix and Star Wars instead makes me think he is guilty as sin and is just wishing the whole thing away.
But the thing is Lloyd, unless you really face this head on and prove without a doubt with the aid of UK police you are innocent, it isn’t going away. Ever.
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Maybe Lloyd likes writing a bit of fan fiction?
If this gets deleted, it’s definitely lloyd
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Lloyd has literally spent the last 10 years condemning WT and their policies in regards to CSA, and condemning their 2 witness rule, saying the WT protects abusers.
Whilst all this time, he himself was a an abuser, he will cling to the 2 witness rule, and the WT has covered up his disgusting behaviour.
I just can’t get my head around it.
When the WT calls their own carpet sweeping apostate lies to the public, everyone calls it out as bullshit, because let’s face it, it is. And everyone with half a brain knows it.
But when Lloyd says his accusations are lies, Ohhhhhh, we are supposed to think it’s all made up now! People aren’t as quick to call bullshit on Lloyd Evans and not hold him to the same standard as they have to literally every accusation of CSA levelled up against the WT.
I’m certain this is true. 100%. Why 100%? Because people don’t make this shit up. And the very very small percentage of people who do make this up, are certainly not able to create this type of evidence from thin air, and if you think there is, you need you head seeing to.
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That Marc Cora guy on YouTube, with his video next to the police station handing in evidence, I think there’s more than the screenshots we’ve seen.
Maybe the girl, now woman, is ready to come forward?
There was one interesting point on Reddit, if the WT did know about this for all of these years, by exposing it they could leave themselves open to lawsuits from others, and they haven’t been in the business of naming and shaming individuals/defectors for many many years.
Maybe when Splane said “this is war”, he wasn’t being as hyperbolic as we all thought. They obviously knew the deal with Lloyd all along, and were playing along.
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I’ve said it already, but Lloyd is FUCKED
I suspect those leaked texts are real.
Lloyd is one fucked upped, Dangerous, lying, deceitful, and darn right Disgusting individual.