ah yes, sort of like bob and doug mckenzie from , heck i forget the name of the show, second city maybe, loved them too
ah, our american compatriots have no idea what they are missing... one of the finest shows on television.
the trailer park boys.
ah yes, sort of like bob and doug mckenzie from , heck i forget the name of the show, second city maybe, loved them too
ah, our american compatriots have no idea what they are missing... one of the finest shows on television.
the trailer park boys.
i have been watching this show for years, i absolutelyl love it, i think hbo or some american station has picked them up for the fall,
i just wanted to drop a quick note.
last thursday a good friend of mine jumped off of a freeway overpass and killed herself.
ironically it was the same overpass that just 5 years before i had stood atop and climbed the fence with similar thoughts in my head when my family had initially disowned me.
i am just wondering, for those who lost friends/family,,,did you have no warning signs? were you not able to have them open up? or did you aproach them? help them? comfort them?
i just wanted to drop a quick note.
last thursday a good friend of mine jumped off of a freeway overpass and killed herself.
ironically it was the same overpass that just 5 years before i had stood atop and climbed the fence with similar thoughts in my head when my family had initially disowned me.
such a timely post. if i was to pass, not one of my four children would know or care, i have not talked with them for about 5-6 years since i was df'd.:(
so nice to hear some do care unconditionally
well, my mom is critically ill, i'm afraid.
she can't breathe, it's a constant battle, i don't know what to do.
do you live in the same city? if so, do as others have said, get a friend and go right away and see her. she is your mother and you are her daughter. i lost my mother and father when i was young, and i wish i had a last opportunity as you do
hugs, wendy
well, my mom is critically ill, i'm afraid.
she can't breathe, it's a constant battle, i don't know what to do.
driving home after a long bike ride last sunday, i turned onto my street, just a couple of blocks from my home.
clad only in lycra bike shorts and jersey, i had my window down, my shades on, and a nice endorphin buzz from a great outing.
without warning, a large, dense, golf ball sized pine cone from one of our towering neighborhood evergreens careened through my window like a meteor, and nailed me right on my left testicle.
ok, this is a boogy man story
last night, alone in my house, i use bathroom, then about 1 hour i go back and house is getting dark as it is around 10 pm, so i turn into the bathroom and hit the door, somehow the door was closed, hhmm, i thought, i never close the door, especially when alone
then about 1 hour later,i was listening to a marketing cd, after which i made a purposeful attempt to turn speakers off, as i hate all the dings and dongs from my isp, lol
so i move about and sit down, then i start with the pc, and the speakers are not only on, they are loud ok, so what is that about???:)
ive been threatening to move back to canada for years now.
and i finally picked a date of next year with me and the (then) new wife.. however im getting a lot of talk from people who have been outtheir recently, and still live their that its very hard.
ive seen houses for sale at about 60 percent of northern ireland prices and jobs seen available and pretty well paid.
just wondering running man,
where in canada is education free? let me know and i will move there:)
just wondering, did any of you become hermit like after leaving.
i see many of you are able to carry on.
maybe with the help of non-jw family, etc.. but for me, i lost all family and i am having a hard time with acquiring friends, although i have many many aquaintances.
greetings all
just wondering, did any of you become hermit like after leaving. i see many of you are able to carry on. maybe with the help of non-jw family, etc.
but for me, i lost all family and i am having a hard time with acquiring friends, although i have many many aquaintances. i am almost afraid to let anyone into my life for fear, i think, of their deciding again in my life that i am not good enough
orbi ----->>>not of the 'whining class', just wondering:)
i am witnessing several friends break up at the moment and one of my best mate's wife has constantly denied being in an afair despite be-friending a 21 year old guy who saw more of her than he did, and numerous suspicious txt messages and so on and so on.
anyway, to cut a long story short, he moved in here with me and has just spent three weeks going insane, un-able to sleep, brain over-active, and if he wasn't such a sane chap, almost going paranoid.. well, some of you know i'm a bit of a geek, so we wired up his home pcs web cam and ran a citrix session with remote control and a web cam recorder with ftp to download the files, and i waited tonight while he watched the result.
this is a very touch subject with me.
the man i was with was/is a patholoical liar. i was believing the sky was green and the grass was red. no kidding. i was going crazy. even when i caught him outright in affairs, lies lies lies,
which has become a difficult thing in my day to day life, as now i don't believe a word from anyone, and if i ever do become intimate again with a man, he will have to be very understanding.......and i don't know if i even want to bother the chance of it happening again
after all, they start out so nice and smooth:)