Old Fundie me here with same screen name always.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
hi gang,.
man, what a brouhaha we have going on now, eh?
i wonder if all could please reply to this post with your list of log-on names.
Old Fundie me here with same screen name always.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
matthew 24:14 and this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.
im new to this board game, but i have been reading the submissions and replies from .
I am a Born_Again Christian who is an XJW.
I must agree many who leave are very disgruntal aobut religion all together.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
just wanted to know if any of you have read the entire bible?
- i remember that it was mentioned in the congregation many times that this would be a requirement that we were to read the bible in its totality at least once and especially as elders!.
i myself never had the time (or energy) to read the scriptures from cover to cover.
I have read it from cover to cover at least 7 times. Each time I read it I get more out of it.
I read a Daily version of the Bible. It is broken up in reading for each day of the year. You will finish the whole bible in a Year.
I read the Daily bible in the New Living Translation.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
just got the new email alert on new watchtwoer literature campain:.
wts rushes out more literature: a regional victoria-based writer on wol notes 3 new tracts specifically designed for muslims have been written: "the greatest name, who are jehovah's witnesses, and hellfire -- is it part of divine justice?
many jws are also now ordering the 2002 yearbook.
Tell me what you think of this:
That Cartoon ran yesterday in the papers all in the US. It backs up my point aobut the media and it small insignfigant attacks agaist Bush.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
just got the new email alert on new watchtwoer literature campain:.
wts rushes out more literature: a regional victoria-based writer on wol notes 3 new tracts specifically designed for muslims have been written: "the greatest name, who are jehovah's witnesses, and hellfire -- is it part of divine justice?
many jws are also now ordering the 2002 yearbook.
Sorry I missed your other part of your post.
Most people I know gravitate towards where the riches are. I know form living here many foriegers come here, make their money, reite and get a Social Security check, then live like Kings of US dollar exchange rate. A lot of Cadian will keep dual citizen ships to keep free health care and Cadian benefits and make their money.
In 1988 a non black market exchange was in Poland 1000 zloty to 1 US dollar. Even though a zloty was not worth much, It was a lot for the ne us dollar. PLus you can't go into a pewex store with currentcy of the country you live in tobuy forien goods.
In work, I had a freind who immagratedfrom Brazil. He cited cutual differnces byut he and his whole family live here for the economic opputunites tehy wold not get in Brazil.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
just got the new email alert on new watchtwoer literature campain:.
wts rushes out more literature: a regional victoria-based writer on wol notes 3 new tracts specifically designed for muslims have been written: "the greatest name, who are jehovah's witnesses, and hellfire -- is it part of divine justice?
many jws are also now ordering the 2002 yearbook.
Society has always targeted groups, but timing is uncanny is it not?
Timing is everything. With all the anti-American sediment in teh Muslim community over seas striking them while the iron is hot. Of course to publish and to distinctive diassociate JW from other branches of Chrsitianity may be a drawing point for the JWS>
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
just got the new email alert on new watchtwoer literature campain:.
wts rushes out more literature: a regional victoria-based writer on wol notes 3 new tracts specifically designed for muslims have been written: "the greatest name, who are jehovah's witnesses, and hellfire -- is it part of divine justice?
many jws are also now ordering the 2002 yearbook.
Poland is whre old Hippie is from. I just find it sad, because I went there in 1985 and 1988. Even though they are free, economic oppurtunities are not.
When the Goverment change over fom a socialist/communist to a Democratic/free market the people were not ready to prepare for the sacrafices and pitfall it would take.
Even though the freedoms are appealing the Goveremnt subsided them for so long they wer not prepared for the radical changes a free economy would bring. No more Govt subsided food, housing health care etc. NOw you see problems we have here. In those countries even though the housing health care etc was not as good, even if you did not work you got it. Teh harded you worked you still got the same benefits as the person who did not. for the hard working entipuner there was no incentive to suceed and be indepent of the goverement.
It is like being on welfare for a long period of thiem then choosing to work and get off. YOu want the freedom but were not prepare for the bumps in the road.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
just got the new email alert on new watchtwoer literature campain:.
wts rushes out more literature: a regional victoria-based writer on wol notes 3 new tracts specifically designed for muslims have been written: "the greatest name, who are jehovah's witnesses, and hellfire -- is it part of divine justice?
many jws are also now ordering the 2002 yearbook.
I bet if you had the opputunity ot live in the US than Poland, I think you jump at the chance! I remeember when I traveled over there how muc opputinuty and freedom you gys had (very little and it is worse now) I don't see many American immigrating to Poland or other countries. I don't see lines outside of hte Embassy trying to obtain Visas. I do see many Foreginers trying to obtian the right to come here to the USA. How long are those lines for US visa on a daily basis. As I remeber they were very long and people were willing to wait all day or even days to apply for a US visa.
I get tired of all these guys bashing our Coutnry and OUr President. BTW I had the chance to meet Bush when He campained here in Florida and He is a very nice and Intelligent person. Not the way the Liberal Amercian Media make him out to be.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
a very faithful jehovah's witness.
an elderly lady was well-known for her faith and for her boldness in talking about the good news of the kingdom.
she would often stand on her front porch and shout "praise jehovah!".
I heard the same story but as a Chrsitian not a Jehovha's Witness. Sorry old story different group/
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
just got the new email alert on new watchtwoer literature campain:.
wts rushes out more literature: a regional victoria-based writer on wol notes 3 new tracts specifically designed for muslims have been written: "the greatest name, who are jehovah's witnesses, and hellfire -- is it part of divine justice?
many jws are also now ordering the 2002 yearbook.
Just got the new email alert on new Watchtwoer literature campain:
WTS RUSHES OUT MORE LITERATURE: A Regional Victoria-based writer on WOL notes 3 new tracts specifically designed for Muslims have been written: "The Greatest Name, Who Are Jehovah's Witnesses, and Hellfire -- Is It Part Of Divine Justice? Many JWs are also now ordering the 2002 Yearbook. Also being release are dramas on CDs starting with the drama from the District Convention that warns of all who dissent are apostates deserving death as with Korah. To shore up sagging membership the new tract "Would you like to know more about the Bible?" is being distributed to directly offer Bible studies at doors, already found in kingdom halls (churches) from Hong Kong to most in the USA. The Memorial Last Supper) for 2002 will be March 28. Preliminary reports are worldwide WTS growth fell to less than 1.5% even when given as just the peak month, meaning real growth figures are likely in the negative worldwide for the WTS and should fall even more after the Dateline investigation airs on the molestation policy.
I guess they need to Get new meembers from another source.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>