I am glad you have found a way which you are comfortable with. I will respect you choice. My Mother-in-law is very much into New Age movement, a Reki Master. Belive me she give a great massage God has given her a gift of healing and though her energy work. We have great respect for each other. I treat her with dignety not because she is my in-law but because she is a very strong and awesome lady.
The Gospel will be preached. I have been blessed by doing so.
I don't catch the XJWS who would post on these type of boards. There are more XJWS who are like myself than many of you think.
I never minded going door-to-door, in fact I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it because I love to talk about the person Whom I love the most, Jesus.
My year going door-to-door and my club help me attain my presnt secular job. Yes, i am know for not taking crap and not being shaken up when confronted with angry esclated people. I found my 10 years of being a Jehovha's Witness and used it as an asset not a liablity.
I feel enjoying evangeliszing is a gift from God. I tis one of the 7 gifts which God gives us though the Holy Spirit. Not every is gifted to do so.
I also accept the heat and risk the humliation and rejection of my peers. It is a consequnces of my work, but I accept this fact.
"Being right is not always popular and being popular is not alway right."
Jesus dies for me so I can live. I don't know anyone else who loves me more than this. He showed a love greater than any spiritual or relgion can offer.
I may make to some uncomfortable, but it is a command place on every Christian.
I created a place for those who wish to express those views not to be berated. More you guys speak out the more it comfirms and strenghten me to continue the work which Jesus has set out to do in my heart.
My other post to Mike got cut-off by someone Iming me. Being a Strong Woman who has a strong personality has it draw backs. I am also spared a lot of greif. My husband respects the fact I don't just back down.
If you got to know me, I may come off strong but most of my friends Know I am there for them. I tell them thetruth no matter how much it hurts. I try to healp them. Most appreciate it, but may not like it.
"A true friend will risk loosing their friendship by telling you the truth."
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>