KJV New Testament
Greek Lexicon
minister | 20 |
servant | 8 |
deacon | 3 |
Total | 31 |
bible's view: women can hold positions in the congregation.
ro 16:1
KJV New Testament
Greek Lexicon
minister | 20 |
servant | 8 |
deacon | 3 |
Total | 31 |
bible's view: women can hold positions in the congregation.
ro 16:1
Bible's view: Women can hold positions in the congregation.
Proof? Ro 16:1
WT's view: Women cannot hold positions in the congregation.
Why? Because the Bible is "evidently" wrong.
Insight on the scriptures: "Although Phoebe is mentioned (Ro 16:1) as a 'minister', it is evident that she was not an appointed female ministral servant in the congregation."
Summary: The Bible is "evidently" wrong. And here is were you start to think: which more parts of the Bible is "evidently" wrong?
i know, i know, the jws love to boast about ``honoring jehovah'' and having ``restored the divine name to its rightful place.
'' but my question is: is such casual off-hand use of the divine name really respectful?
i mean, the vast majority of us well know the names of our parents; but just how respectful would it be to go around referring to them as ``harry'' and ``alice?".
scully, this is for you the watchtower july 15.
2002 pages 26-27 .
questions from readers .
where your young son is baptized and you aren't
Notice that this implies, also when the mother IS baptized.
i will be going to the real jehovahs witnesses site.
anyone who wants to see the light go there.
no one will have bold letters trying to make a fool of themselves.
"My mother calls me Son, my wife calls me Husband, and my son calls me Dad"
That is the best explanation of the trinity I've heard. But one thing, it doesn't solve: If Jesus died,
who gave him life again? Or did he fake his death? Because if the Son or Husband or Dad dies,
all three of them will be quite dead?
this is about a quiz you can take on beliefnet.
notice how close this one was to being a morman!
1. Orthodox Judaism (100%)
2. Islam (96%)
14. Jehovah's Witness (66%)
hmmm... Can I be a member of both?
hello, i have a little question here.
(be patient with my english) .
are they really witnesses?
why the JW organization tells so many lies and refuses to correct them.
Becouse they want to keep their members. I know that there are a lot of lies, but I do not think that the ordnary witness knows that. They honestly belive it, and I think that many of them are good people. I enjoy the Bible study, and if being a witness requires that you have to believe stuff like Christ's return in 1914, and that 144k is not symbolical, then I simply will thank them for the free Bible and leave.
But that is not the main issue of mine, I think that they have the wrong impression of God. I believe that the thing who created the whole universe is so mush bigger and more powerful than any witness can imagine. It's wrong when they try to explain how God thinks or how his mind is. No one can ever imagine that.
hello, i have a little question here.
(be patient with my english) .
are they really witnesses?
I already did. Beard was a symbol for being either a communist or gay. Witnesses do not want to be associated with those. But it wasn't the guy I'm studying with who said that, he is a nice guy.
i will be going to the real jehovahs witnesses site.
anyone who wants to see the light go there.
no one will have bold letters trying to make a fool of themselves.
Hmmm....I think you may need to spend some time in a science class...
I don't have to, not when you are here and answering my questions. By the way, I am in sciense class, studying physics.
if you take any form of matter down to the very basic building blocks you would see that indeed
Yes, but that that do not proves that God is triune does it? That's my point.
By the way...gravity is a form of energy...hence the reason it effects light...another energy.
First, we don't know much about gravity, our best model yet, the theory of relativity states that there is no such thing as gravitation.
And can you kindly expain to me why light has a topspeed of 300k km/s?
hello, i have a little question here.
(be patient with my english) .
are they really witnesses?
"I just want to say that God does not make decisions about who lives and who is destroyed on the basis of what religions you may happen to have stumbled across."
I agree with you, I do not think God will kill a person just becouse he has a differnt religion or don't want to be a witness. I do not want to be a wtiness just becouse I think it's the only why to be saved, but I do like that they (not the GB) tries to stick to the bible.
People like 'You Know' who predict the end is imminent fail to mention that most of the World have not heard of Jehovah's Witnesses.
First, I do not for one second think that You Know is a witness. If he is, then I don't wan't to be a JW.
And second, people have since beginning of time proclaimed that the end is near. It will allways be "near".
And I do believe God can read the hearts of people. But if I decide not to become a witness, and God kills me for that, I don't care, I wouldn't want to live under someone who kills people for that.