I’m not in the USA so is difficult to say, but here in the UK we have so many cultures and different people that I see day in day out.
I think it’s wonderful to be able to learn about others and expand my knowledge about different ways of different cultures.
These days people move to wherever they need to go... some can do it legally others are not so lucky (not saying this is right).
Like someone said on a previous comment, I don’t have any problems in sharing space etc, would just be nice to see that when people do move somewhere else that they contribute towards that country socially and economically.
And by your “brown” definition .... we are all brown lol.... some mocha, some velvet chocolate and some just a lighter shade of magnolia... inside we are the same human kind!
I call for giving opportunities, tolerance and love to those that need....we never know when that person is going to be us. 😊