JoinedPosts by Theonlyoneleft
What Do You Think About Banning Plastic Bags?
by minimus inwe need to save the planet so we have to stop using plastic bags!
in massachusetts, the new law will be going into effect soon.
if you go food shopping, you only cat get paper bags.. what is your opinion of the state banning plastic bags?
What Do You Think About Banning Plastic Bags?
by minimus inwe need to save the planet so we have to stop using plastic bags!
in massachusetts, the new law will be going into effect soon.
if you go food shopping, you only cat get paper bags.. what is your opinion of the state banning plastic bags?
Here on the uk we have stopped having free bags in stores for a while now.
we simply take out own or buy a bag and pay for £0.05-£1.00. All moneys collected from the sales of bags are normally donated to a charity chosen by the supermarket or store.
Many people have started also buying lose fruit and vegetables as well as cold meats and cheeses from the supermarket counter instead of packed goods. Some items do end up saving a few bob too, as can be cheaper that way.
we have introduced the water refill scheme, where you can enter a business premises and just ask to refill your own water bottle, the business will have a sticker on the window to let customers know that they can refill their water bottles in there, So no need to buy plastic water bottles!!
The supermarkets that do home delivery have started to supply deliveries without bags, just items inside crates... except for some items that need a small plastic bag.
china has announced that will no longer take other countries recycling “baggage”, so now there’s only a few other countries that are able to take surplus items for recycling but unfortunately they are not doing so well and these are being pilled up on landfill.
So the less we buy the less needs to be recycled.
There are now many items that can be changed to plastic free options BUT some still expensive.
I presume it’s just a matter of time that things will change even more. in the end of the day we can’t just consume, all needs to go somewhere, and with the world population always growing, some measures will need to be put in place to help us not only to do the best choices but also to have the knowledge to do it.
School task on Jehovas Witness
by Balder ini am writing an essay on jehovas witness and i have a question for you.
what does a normal day of a jehovas witness consist of?
how is your day different from other's?
If this was me I really wouldn’t go to a meeting. All looks very nice and good on the surface.
there are good people that are Jehovah’s witnesses but the problem it’s not so much the people but the teachings jws follow and are encouraged to encourage others to follow. If you go... you’ll come out feeling loved and a good feeling overall... but one must be careful and aware that this comes with huge forever consequences.
jws are not like any other religion. There’s no going back one committed.
These days there’s so much on the internet to give you a sense of who they are and what they are all about without physical putting yourself inside the frying pan.
What Did You Do With All Your Meeting Clothes?
by minimus ini literally had dozens of suits.
i still have more dress clothes than anyone i know.
i did give some suits and clothing away and to be honest, i still like wearing a nice suit.. brothers and sisters, are all your “ meeting clothes” still in your closet?
Minimus... do you mean all those used adult sized clothes given by sisters in the congregation because they knew we were poor????
At the time yes I thank them, at least I was not naked... but was not a good look as those didn’t really fit the style of a teenager. (Another reason to be bullied by my peers).
Way gone thank goodness! But every time I see some “sisters”..... takes me right back. 😖
Ps. I was thankful at the time though that they were kind to think of us.
DFed for opening an xmas present.
by JimmyYoung inthis last week i stopped at an antique store that i go to now and then.
the lady who owns it is about 62 and very nice.
i was looking at a vintage 1963 ouija board.
Sad sad sad.
elders are meant to be wiser men, giving good exemplary behaviour to be followed by the congregation but some can’t find themselves to look away from their natural nasty feelings and resentment of others.
reading this story, looks like there’s more to it than Xmas gifts.
i know that my own siblings opened gifts from my mum and were never called upon to answer for themselves.
maybe the elder in question needed to massage his ego and assert his position within the KH, so he decided to take severe action at the person that gave him and his family a moment of gossip among the worshippers.
shameful that these are free to act like gods and destroy people’s lives without blinking.
The Apology Tour
by minimus ineveryone seems to be hitting the apology circuit.
if you ever said anything inappropriate or what might be considered offensive, then you must apologize.
if you possibly could have hurt someone’s feelings, you need to say sorry.
In my world there’s two kinds of apologetic rules.
1st- the everyday apology...
I bumped into you ... I’m sorry.
i can’t supply you with something ... I’m sorry.
i forgot to pick up your dry cleaning... I’m sorry.
2nd- the deep apology...
i hurt your feelings.... I’m so sorry.
i forgot your birthday.... I’m so sorry!
I missed something important....I’m really sorry!
two different kinds.... I’m never sorry to say sorry, I just feel it in different ways.
Prince Andrew & Jeffrey Epstein, WTF
by Simon inin fact, several "wtf"s, not least - why were you visiting a convicted pedophile after his release from prison, never-mind having any contact with him in the first place when his preoclivities seemed to be an open secret.. and the best he can some up with is "i don't remember"?
you don't remember?
there's a fucking photo of you with one of the victims and accessories to the crimes you dumb fuck!.
Because it was his “fuuueeemnnddd!”. (I say it sarcastically).
I think this is a case of damage control now.
When in doubt... deny deny deny!!!
No solid proof?!..deny deny deny!!
Don't know what to say?!. just deny it!
Can’t remember my backside!!
He’s probably trying to control the scandal, the problem is... he looked so much more guilty than if he actually stayed quiet. I didn’t believe it and I presume half of the nation didn’t either.
Why does he stay in?
by Probablyshouldrun ini was seeing a jw man for about a year and a half until l broke it off with him last week.
we met on a dating site.
he shouldn’t have been on there, of course, but he was lonely.
Hi there,
probably should run 🏃♀️... your name says it all. ☺️
i agree with the above post. He lives half a life with a foot dipped in each world.
to answer your question.... guilt.
he admitted that he’s not worthy, that he’s not a good witness, he admits he does it all but can’t leave.... so he stays IN to better himself... as jws say often “we’re not perfect”, the reply to so many questions that they don’t want to face.
If he stays in.... he can still feel he has a chance to be “saved”.
Until he sees this is not the real “Tooth” there won’t be the possibility of a relationship... and still... will take him some time to untangle himself from indoctrination of the cult.
wishing you the best.
Programmed to return
by hoser ini found out this morning via facebook that someone i know returned to “the truth”.. her elder husband had abused her for years until she had a breakdown and had sex with a non believer.
this happened several years ago.
she now returned to the fold with her newly converted man.
Those that have left and found that the truth is not any kind of tooth...probably can understand how silly this is.
But maybe for her found back in was about getting her family back.
Also as mentioned she could be left feeling worse than when she was in. Sometimes people need those little four walls 🔲 where they know exactly what is expected of them. THERE is where they exist... and OUT of it... THEY are no one. Stepping out of the barrier it’s not even a thought.
Hopefully she will get whatever she’s looking for.
Mark Stephen Lett Raps about Murmuring and Other Urgent Jehovah's Witness Issues
by BottleGate_ in
Lol so funny!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
i wonder if this could be kept as a sort of anthem to be played at the beginning of every convention.