Redvip I agree with you.
To be special and one of the Jehovah’s Witnesses they need to apply the rules that WT puts into place over all members.
otherwise... they would not be in a clique of their own as it is....and no longer...special. 🧐
They suffer as God’s people’s via the sacrifices they make, just highlights it even more....that special feeling.
“I'm such a good parent - thought brother Tom - even though my child was ill I didn’t let Satan persuade me to stay home and miss Sunday’s meeting. I’m so glad we came...the talk was exactly what we needed to hear as a family!”
I was once appalled that my nephew that was visiting us, went to visit the Bethel here.
but the poor lad had the flu... I mean the full FLU not a cold.
Temperature, non stop cough and he looked so ill that the only place he belonged was inside a warm bed.
none the less... as a guided visit to Bethel had been booked... the poor boy was made to dress up his suit, and travel for the long way to his unsavoury destination.
i told my sibling... why don’t you leave him here, he’s so sick.
The simple reply was a no without explanation.
once they returned I was told that he was ok, had not been that bad as he had slept on the bus.
Strict or just insane decision?!
I’m still trying to process some situations that look crazy to me.