To woods: Its amazing how you can talk so much nonsense without any historical proof of what you say. At least in my book I cite all the references in history. You just talk like you know something you don't. Talking to you is like talking to a child who just keeps saying "bullshit!" because they are ignorant. People can comment all they want but they never take the time to check things out.
Also let me say that I don't know anything about this brit person that you seem to want to connect me too. Typical attitude when your not getting your point accross. This is why I am now leaving this discussion for good. I originally just found it based on my book coming out and I thought it would be cool to see what people were commenting about but apparently people like to talk about it without even reading it. Good luck with the rest of this discussion. Keep talking like you read my book and acting like you know all of history regarding ancient Judaism. I didn't spend 20 years studying the scriptures and their original language for nothing. LOL take care.