Oh My!!! That takes the cake. Again the comments coming from friends and family. A perfect stranger wouldn't think of being so hateful . Why do these people show up anyway???
Posts by 3rdgen
What's the most insensitive thing you have been told while grieving?
by 3rdgen ina few years ago my 21 yr old firstborn and only son died in an accident.
i was an active jw at the time.
in fact , i was at the meeting when it happened.
What Drug Helps You Cope With Your Mentally Diseased Apostate Mind?
by AvocadoJake incollege, exericise, reading, sports, beer, women, men, or drugs?.
MJ, I love coffee too and picked up my knitting/crocheting after 20 yrs just lately. OHC Lexapro works best for me too but my insurance doesn't cover it so I'm stuck with selexa. Can I have your Zanex? JK :) Beer is my best friend these days. Helps me relax and sleeeeeeep.
What's the most insensitive thing you have been told while grieving?
by 3rdgen ina few years ago my 21 yr old firstborn and only son died in an accident.
i was an active jw at the time.
in fact , i was at the meeting when it happened.
Fokyc, Dear God, Unbelieveable (except I do) How are you doing now? Did that nasty comment contribute to your decision to leave the WTS?
What's the most insensitive thing you have been told while grieving?
by 3rdgen ina few years ago my 21 yr old firstborn and only son died in an accident.
i was an active jw at the time.
in fact , i was at the meeting when it happened.
Hi MJ, Good grief, talk about cruel! What is up with these moms? I raised my kids the exact opposite of the way I was even tho I was a JW. Both my mom and her sis told me I was making gods out of my children. The fruitage of the WTS.
What's the most insensitive thing you have been told while grieving?
by 3rdgen ina few years ago my 21 yr old firstborn and only son died in an accident.
i was an active jw at the time.
in fact , i was at the meeting when it happened.
FSP Yeaaaaaa!!!
What's the most insensitive thing you have been told while grieving?
by 3rdgen ina few years ago my 21 yr old firstborn and only son died in an accident.
i was an active jw at the time.
in fact , i was at the meeting when it happened.
Hi Talisin, So sorry you suffered this loss. Do you have other children?
What's the most insensitive thing you have been told while grieving?
by 3rdgen ina few years ago my 21 yr old firstborn and only son died in an accident.
i was an active jw at the time.
in fact , i was at the meeting when it happened.
Hi FSP, That visiting sister is a real genius. How is your health now?
What's the most insensitive thing you have been told while grieving?
by 3rdgen ina few years ago my 21 yr old firstborn and only son died in an accident.
i was an active jw at the time.
in fact , i was at the meeting when it happened.
A few years ago my 21 yr old firstborn and only son died in an accident. I was an active JW at the time. In fact , I was at the meeting when it happened. Most of the friends were very kind and tried to be "incouraging" but a couple were idiots. I'm sorry to say they were members of my own family. One who didn't bother to come to the memorial for him sent a card which was a sermon about why I should strap on a bookbag and spend more time in FS. But the prize for the worst goes to.... my own mother who called 2 wks after he died. My husband answered the phone and (I swear I'm not kidding ) she said "Well is she over it yet?"
Welcome Newbies & New Posters ! How has this Board Assisted You ?
by flipper init's nice to have you here !
i found that this board was very supportive when i first got on it over 4 years ago .
i still find it supportive !
Wow! The 2nd welcome- Thanks! This board supplied information about the WTS that became the "last straws" for my husband and me. Both of us are 3rd generation "born in" only children
who suffered physical and verbal abuse starting as toddlers. (his worse than mine) Both of us are adult children of alcoholics. This is the second marriage for both of us. We were true believers
who married pioneers the 1st time around.(mine was also a MS and son of the cong servant. Huge story there!) Nevertheless the marriages ended in disaster. Both our families are all JW's.
We have been self employed throughout our marriage so have not one friend outside the org. We each only have ONE friend inside that we don't want to lose. The rest of the friends and family
abandonded us while we were still exemplary.(another long story) Obviously, we can't talk to anyone about our feelings, experiencs, My husband is taking the loss of his religion even harder
than I did. ( This is because I have suffered the death of my young adult son. NOTHING worse can happen to me.) Today a poster was vicious to him for absolutely no reason. It shocked and
hurt us both but this is a difficult time so maybe were sensitive. Thanks to all of the nice people (the overwhelming majority) who take the time from their busy lives and their own problems
to encourage others.
Menlo Park (CA - USA) Kingdom Hall
by Juan Viejo2 ini received an anonymous email over at ex-jw.com that had an attached legal filing.
the first couple of pages seemed to be standard legal filings, but the rest of the pages looked like standard typed documentation (not in numbered double-spaced legal format.
) i'm not quite sure what to make of it, so wonder if anyone here has heard of it.
To Juan V2, A huge thank you for starting this thread. A couple of months ago a friend called and asked if we had heard about the MP KH money grab. I wanted to see if he had his facts
straight so I googled it. It took me to this site. I had never let myself look at any "apostate" material before but I read the whole thread.We knew most of the people involved so
it had the ring of truth.You never know what post will be the wake-up call. This was ours.