Fisherman, How did YOU react to those articles and talks from 1968-1975? Did YOU make decisions that negatively and permanently changed your life?
Did you quit school or graduate early?
Did you pioneer?
Did you get married in your teens?
Did you go to Bethel?
Did you postpone marriage or children?
Did you sell your house to go where the need was great?
Were you a missionary who contracted Malaria and were permanently disabled?
Were you drafted and sent to prison for refusing alternate service?
I was 16 in 1968 and remember the hype like it was yesterday. I did all the things on my list that apply to females in the Borg. My family members did the rest of those things, some are dead now. Do you really think we made these decisions on our OWN???? LOL
You know what I think? I think during the late '60/early 70's you were too young or not even born yet and are talking out your a**. Correct me if I am wrong.