Posts by 3rdgen
What Do I Smell Like (Happy Friday All)
by freemindfade inso i just smoked a cigar, then came back into the office to wash it down with some bourbon... for whatever reason i was telling cappy what i smell like now, here is the list, please add your own .
fmf: .
i smell like an old leather chair in a civl war era library .
Geoffrey Jackson Royal Commission update
by umbertoecho inhello people.
the rc will still go ahead with it's live stream on friday 14th august.
however, it seem that it will be a video link.
Justice McClellan was annoyed by not being made aware of the authority of Jackson as a GB top dog. Material needed if any one here could ..
by umbertoecho inhello again.. splash had a pile of scriptural evidence which he uploaded and it was good material.
it established the gb as the fds and used watchtower study articles.........i don't know if he was the only one but the material flew in the face of what those men have been saying.
it proves, using their own material how they indeed think they are the ones with the direct control over millions of lives, because as you know.........they are the direct hot line to god.
Justice McClellan was annoyed by not being made aware of the authority of Jackson as a GB top dog. Material needed if any one here could ..
by umbertoecho inhello again.. splash had a pile of scriptural evidence which he uploaded and it was good material.
it established the gb as the fds and used watchtower study articles.........i don't know if he was the only one but the material flew in the face of what those men have been saying.
it proves, using their own material how they indeed think they are the ones with the direct control over millions of lives, because as you know.........they are the direct hot line to god.
Anon2, Welcome! Wasn't there a fairly recent Watchtower with an illustration of the world (globe). Sitting on top was the governing body followed by the branches followed by traveling overseers etc. all the way down to the rank and file who were so low they weren't pictured on the globe but below. In addition Jehovah is pictured above but Jesus is missing altogether which implies that the GB is directly below God replacing Jesus.
Maybe a picture could say 1,000 words to the RC.
Is Geoffrey W. Jackson a "ringer"? Was he sent coached how to testify? Is this a setup? I think so.
by Wasanelder Once inif you have heard g. jackson speak you can tell that he is smooth.
he is a good speaker with a commanding voice.
i think the gb knew this was going to happen and prepped him to testify.
OC, " Doesn't martyr come with their job description?"
Answer: One would think so. Butttttttt Have you ever met anyone who claims to be of the "annointed" who didn't do all in their power to keep living on earth? They believe at death they will be "transformed in a twinkling of an eye" to be with Jesus yet they don't seem to be in any hurry to get there.
However, my original point is that Jehovah is NOT a god who can be depended upon to save (or even help) his faithful servants. Geoffery Jackson is as aware of that as anyone else and is acting accordingly.
Branch Service Department Manual approves appointing Child molestors as Elders
by stuckinamovement in
"Historically, whenever political figures have consistently favored laws that foster leniency for various types of crimes, in almost all cases it has been demonstrated later that it was due to them being guilty of said crimes." Sir82
This is precisely the point I was trying to make. It explains the mindset that fosters villainizing the victim while sheltering the accused.
I bears repeating
Mr Jackson declines to appear in RC
by StarTrekAngel in
Jwfacts tv appearance
by sparrowdown inshout out to jwfacts.. just saw the drum.
excellent job !
Is Geoffrey W. Jackson a "ringer"? Was he sent coached how to testify? Is this a setup? I think so.
by Wasanelder Once inif you have heard g. jackson speak you can tell that he is smooth.
he is a good speaker with a commanding voice.
i think the gb knew this was going to happen and prepped him to testify.
by steve2 induring yesterday's rc proceedings (wednesday 5th august 2015), one of the victim's lawyers questioned mr vincent toole, the jw organization's legal counsel for the australian branch office.
she asked him why at least two of the jw elders who gave evidence last week refused to swear on the bible.
mr toole appear puzzled by her question and said he did not know.
Undercover, you are so right about so much of the religion is handed down orally. For a silly but true example: My parents believed all Jws must own at least one 4 door car to be used for FS. Those that didn't were considered selfish and "weak". Yet, that "rule" was nowhere in print. (that I know of). There are many many more.
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