Just like everything else in dubland whether or not a person is disciplined for some infraction of the "rules" depends on which elders are assigned to the case and how the accused is perceived by them. For example:
The wife of a kind well liked elder in my hall became addicted to prescription pain killers. I had no idea until another sister told me that said elder and his wife had been to dinner and the sister found her (the wife) raiding her medicine cabinet!! It came out that the addicted sister was stealing painkillers from every home she visited in multiple congregations!!
How was she dealt with by the elders? Glad you asked. PRIVATELY reproved. They decided she's simply a nut and felt sorry for her husband who btw did not loose his position over it.
In many congregations she would have been DFed and hubby would be fired. It's a crap shoot.
Needless to say, there are few rich and famous JW's. The organization for various reasons has shifted it's focus to gathering money. It follows that there would be strong reluctance to discourage/discipline such ones.