PE, Right now you feel like you could ring the necks of the parents of those snotty little kids.Your anger is completely justified. As awful as the experience was for your daughter, it was surely worse for your ex. After all, these are the very people she is trying to please by staying "in". Hopefully, this incident will be enough to help her see the harmful effects the cult has on innocent children and leave her "comfort zone" for your daughter's sake if not her own.
Posts by 3rdgen
JW Kids Bullying My Daughter
by pale.emperor intrying not to type swearwords as i write this so bare with me.. my little 3yo attends meetings with her jw mum (who doesn't believe watchtower anymore but is stuck in because she relies on her family for help).
my mum (the one who tells people im dead) had a party for her grandchildren.
that's my 4 nieces and 1 nephew aged from 3yo-11yo.
Have you ever come across someone on this site or other exjw site that you knew?
by karter in2 for me 1 from my old congro in the 80's and another that was in the same circle of friends.. karter..
Yes, but I didn't recognize them by their posts. One person PMed me because of one of my posts. It turns out I know his MIL(still in) very well.
Then at Flipper's Apostafest Cha Ching recognized me. We were in the same congregation as teenagers. My first MIL studied with her mother and sucked her into the cult. I also had met her husband a very long time ago.
Soon after the Tahoe meet-up Cha Ching was visiting with another ex JW, Suzi Drums, and my name came up. I studied with Suzi and, sorry to say, helped her to Baptism. I had lost track of her. Neither of us knew the other had left the borg. We were delighted to reunite on the phone.
I didn't know Kairos personally but I knew one of the elders who DFed him. He brought one of this elder's nephews to Tahoe. I know this young man very well and much to my delight, he's also out.
Were You Surprised You Remained a JW As Long As You Did?
by minimus inwe have been told there's no place else to go.
and to some degree mentally speaking, that is true especially if you were raised in the religion.
at 50 i was out of the organization's clutches.
I'm not surprised but angry that it took me 60 years to leave. My family on both sides joined as IBSA about 1900 before the group was called Jehovah's Witnesses. I have no family who is not JW. My parents had to die or have dementia before I let myself learn TTATT.
Just as I feared, my family all shun me but the freedom is worth it! My biggest regret in life is that I didn't listen to my inner voice that Hated being a witness but thought God would kill me and my children if I weren't.
She's here and early! 27 weeks 1day.
by Darkknight757 inso as of july 2nd my wife delivered by c-section our little one pound, three ounce daughter izabella.
it was a very scary night that started with a decel and turned into multiple decels that greatly concerned the doctors.
by early morning they felt the need to take her for her safety.
Thank you for your updates. Your story has captured our hearts. Your precious Izabella is already proving herself a little fighter.This will almost surely serve her well.
I'm so sorry for the stress your family is going through. Sending positive thoughts and wishes to you, your lovely wife, and baby girl.
JUNE 2017 Watchtower - Lost a loved one? Go out in service!
by pale.emperor inapparently going to the kingdom hall and getting out in the door to door ministry is the best way to get over the loss of a loved one.
who'dve thunk it?.
stash: /
Millie, thanks so much for the hug. You are such an asset to this board!
JUNE 2017 Watchtower - Lost a loved one? Go out in service!
by pale.emperor inapparently going to the kingdom hall and getting out in the door to door ministry is the best way to get over the loss of a loved one.
who'dve thunk it?.
stash: /
This pinches an extremely sensitive nerve for me because I actually experienced this kind of "Comfort" when my 21yo son died in an accident. Rather than offering any real sympathy or help 2 of my relatives sent cards giving me (of all things) COUNSEL to strap on a bookbag and get preaching so that I would be able to see him again.
Mind you, hubby and I were exemplary JW's at the time! Those insulting and hurtful words at least helped me to begin to wake up!
We are becoming champions of grief. We lost twin B.
by Darkknight757 inlast week we had a reassurance ultrasound with our ob.
she was just supposed to check heartbeats on the two little ones and they were going strong!
but because she had extra time and she can be quite anal about her work (which is a good thing) she decided to take some measurements.
Sorry, my post was cut short.
I told you a shortened version of a long long story not to bring you down but to say I "get it" but that the human spirit is tougher than we can imagine. I want you to know that you have every reason to believe you will get through this. We feel for you and we CARE that you are hurting. You will never forget the precious child you lost but the pain will lessen- I promise. I send all my positive thoughts and well wishes to you and your doctors.
We are becoming champions of grief. We lost twin B.
by Darkknight757 inlast week we had a reassurance ultrasound with our ob.
she was just supposed to check heartbeats on the two little ones and they were going strong!
but because she had extra time and she can be quite anal about her work (which is a good thing) she decided to take some measurements.
Dear Darkknight and wife, I am truly sorry to hear of your situation. I can empathize with your overwhelming desire to be parents. I suffered almost 13 years of infertility. The testing, charting, major surgery, fertility drugs, failed adoption, took a terrible toll physically, emotionally, and financially. Month after endless month of disappointment, frustration, depression until........ I gave up ...... and got a job I really enjoyed and my husband decided he no longer wanted children.
Of course, THEN I became pregnant. I was beyond overjoyed and my husband ruined the news by being furious. Husband eventually softened his stance and I gave birth to a healthy beautiful boy.
A few months later we tried for a second child. This time BINGO success first month! The joy was short lived though, as I miscarried twins at 10 1/2 weeks. Of course, I was heartbroken, but at least I had my baby to ease the sting.
18 months later we had a beautiful healthy daughter. No more children were desired and no more came along. Fast forward 15 years ... a divorce straight from hell, two devastated teenagers, my dearest relative died, I remarried Baalamsass, the kids HATED him and moved 5 hours away with their criminal father and his roomate (who was charged with having sex with his handicapped stepdaughter) while we were on our honeymoon. Son and daughter got in serious trouble while I watched helplessly- the trainwreck. (authorities said the kids were old enough to consent!!!???)
Then at age 21 my son moved back with me and was doing great. Until that day(a couple of months later) that changed my life as much as the joyous news of my pregnancy. "++++++ died in an accident this afternoon".
Inactive Witness Preaches To Me Today
by pale.emperor ina rather bizzare situation, this morning.
i was taking my daughter to the park, as i walk past a row of shops a car horn beeps and shouts me.
i turn round and see a car in a disabled parking space with a guy who used to go to my hall smiling and waving to me.
Under, No doubt. I might have given her a real ration but she looked so pitiful. This once vibrant sexy woman is now dowdy and must walk with a cane. Her TBI has left her a shell of the person she once was. I didn't have the heart to reveal TTATT as now, in this state, she needs a group who accepts her "as is". She will drain the life out of her congregation. Oh well.....
Inactive Witness Preaches To Me Today
by pale.emperor ina rather bizzare situation, this morning.
i was taking my daughter to the park, as i walk past a row of shops a car horn beeps and shouts me.
i turn round and see a car in a disabled parking space with a guy who used to go to my hall smiling and waving to me.
PE, I have had a few experiences similar to yours. The most recent was a few months ago where I was at work in a retail store. In walks a former friend who was raised and baptized a JW but cheated on her first husband and escaped DFing by crying to the elders about her husband who thus became an alcoholic. (He was dfed, not her!)
Fast forward a few years and low and behold We both had moved several hundred miles away (she a few years prior) to the SAME congregation! We renewed our friendship 'cause she was a very happy, fun person to be around. So fun, in fact, that she and my (1st) husband flirted openly with each other. I later found out that he had given her $500.00 as a gift when he was penny-pinching me. She later meets my single and DFed cousin and hit it off great until he realized he could never take her home to meet his JW family. ( they had been fornicating like rabbits.) My cousin broke it off, then suddenly got cancer and died, I got a traumatic divorce, she became INACTIVE, I then avoided her because I was afraid she would "weaken" my faith. LOL
She next marries a much younger "worldly" man she barely knew. Soon after, she gets in a horrible car accident that killed her mother and left her with a traumatic brain injury and a divorce from the new hubby.
Meanwhile, my 2nd hubby and I learn TTATT and become merely inactive. I didn't see or hear from her until that day when she came into the store loudly asking if I was still a JW and if not, why not.
I simply said, "I don't believe it anymore." She loudly exclaimed, "Are you an Apostate???" I couldn't make a scene so I escorted her to the door, told her it was good to see her and walked her partway to her car.
The next day I started getting e-mails encouraging me to "return to Jehovah" I decided to ask her if anything "unusual" happened between her and *** (my 1st husband). Well, what do you know, the e-mails stopped. She is right where she belongs. Let Watchtower take care of her. LOL!