How many here remember District Overseers and Bethel Representatives who were flown (all expenses paid by Watchtower) to major cities all over the US?
The "Society" would rent a stadium or convention center where the most gifted and arousing speakers gave talks such as "The Great Earthquake" and "Stay Alive 'Till 75"
Anyone who says the fervor over 1975 came from those who "Ran Ahead of the Organization" was either not old enough to remember or LYING.
I vividly remember the "Kingdom Ministry" that extolled the families who sold their houses and possessions in order to pioneer in the "Last Remaining Months"
During the same time period we were using the book "The Nations Shall Know I am Jehovah" better known as the "Ezekiel" book at the "book study". Week after week it went on and on about how bad the Israelites were for "Panneling their houses" At the urging of the leadership people were soft shunned for building a house or doing or buying ANYTHING others (mainly elders) thought was "Not Living With a View to the End"
In '72 or '73 one of the Watchtower study articles repeatedly stated if a publisher is able to Regular Pioneer but does not, "It is Tantamount to MURDER" Our Bombastic Circuit overseer was visiting that same week. By the time it was over I and several others in our hall were sufficiently guilted into signing up. (100 hrs. a Month)
Even though at this time the Governing Body and the Elder arrangement were in their infancy THEY really knew how to whip up FEAR OBLIGATION and GUILT