My first child was a son who died in a motorcycle accident at the age of 21. That was 20 years ago.
I can tell you, NOTHING guts a person like losing a child
I know because I have lost my parents, husband, cousins who were closer than siblings, aunts, uncles, and dear friends.
Back when I wasn't being shunned, I ran into a sister who gave me her condolences but then smiled broadly and told me how she loved how funny my son was. Then, she told me a story that backed up her statement. By the time she was finished, we were both laughing out loud!
Nobody else, (Besides hubby) had shared something specific they remembered and loved about my son. I won't forget it as long as I live.
It has been 15 years since our encounter and I remember it like it was yesterday and still smile.
Please do not hesitate to approach this father. You might start by asking how he is doing then explain WHY you remember his son. Feel it out. Chances are he will LOVE to hear anything and everything you enjoyed about his child. If you can tell he's open to it please tell him something funny even if it is a little "Naughty". Old people like to laugh too!