My grandparents' wedding anniversary was at the end of November and Mom's birthday was on the same date. Every year she and her 6 siblings, their spouses, and their kids all came to my Grandparents' house for a family reunion/Thanksgiving weekend.
All were baptized JWs except the grandchildren who were still too young.
This gathering was the happiest time of every year for me. Two of my cousins were closer to me than if they were siblings. In time, since we were the 3 oldest grandchildren, we got to sit at the adult table for the feast prepared by all the women. (Years later I found out that the younger cousins resented us for having this "privilege") lol
This yearly gathering brought such joy to my otherwise rather sullen Mother and Grandparents and the rest of us that none of us wanted to give that up by leaving Watchtower.
But time went on, Grandparents died, the 4th generation arrived, my dearest cousins died, and a couple left WT. I believe our family tradition remains but I haven't been invited since I stopped attending meetings.