To Mmouse: Wow, Thanks for your comment and link. I have read COC but haven't had a chance to read ISOCF. No wonder so many JW's are so callous to others feelings when they had FF as THE example to follow.
Posts by 3rdgen
What's the most insensitive thing you have been told while grieving?
by 3rdgen ina few years ago my 21 yr old firstborn and only son died in an accident.
i was an active jw at the time.
in fact , i was at the meeting when it happened.
What is the stupidest comment you ever heard at a meeting?
by 3rdgen ina very reliable friend told me this: the bro was commenting on what was "unacceptable" conduct in the bedroom between married persons.
needless to say, he had everyone's attention.
he went on to say "we must avoid perversions such as oral and annual sex.
To Rebel, Hahahah that develish little round man!!!
JWs Depression and Suicide
by 00DAD insince jehovah's witnesses supposedly have "the truth" and are part of god's visible organization living in a "spiritual paradise" you would naturally expect that they should be the happiest people on earth!
this clearly is not the case.
wha happened?
Dear ChemicalEmotions (Boy your name is right on topic) Good for you!
What really ended the book study in private homes?
by Alfred init's been over 3 years since the book study in private homes was discontinued and some jws are still scratching their heads over it.
although a letter was read to all congregations explaining that "book study night" would now be "family worship night", there was still much speculation among jws as to the real reason behind this decision (the great tribulation was about to start, jehovah was simplifying the lives of jws, to lessen the burden of poor jws who had no money for gas, etc.)...
but as we all know, decisions like these from the gb invariably have some ulterior motive behind it... and discussion boards such as this one usually finds a way to dig up the truth for all to see... but after reading several threads on this subject, i'm really not sure we've uncovered all the facts yet.... so i have to ask... what do you believe really ended the book study in private homes?
Dropoffyourkeylee (btw, love the name) mentioned he heard the society hired educational consultants. If that's true they should DEMAND their money back. When was the last time anybody learned anything fom the WTS????????
What is the stupidest comment you ever heard at a meeting?
by 3rdgen ina very reliable friend told me this: the bro was commenting on what was "unacceptable" conduct in the bedroom between married persons.
needless to say, he had everyone's attention.
he went on to say "we must avoid perversions such as oral and annual sex.
Alfred, that Beemer would have made FS a little more tolerable. LOL
JWs Depression and Suicide
by 00DAD insince jehovah's witnesses supposedly have "the truth" and are part of god's visible organization living in a "spiritual paradise" you would naturally expect that they should be the happiest people on earth!
this clearly is not the case.
wha happened?
To NC, I always enjoy your posts and as usual agree 100%. I'm looking forward to being able(like you) to ditch the anti-depressants. To Ndrew, My young adult son died a few years ago in an accident. My daughter is now an only child. She left the Org before I did and lives a long distance away. She was a mess while in but now is happy and succesful. :)
What's the most insensitive thing you have been told while grieving?
by 3rdgen ina few years ago my 21 yr old firstborn and only son died in an accident.
i was an active jw at the time.
in fact , i was at the meeting when it happened.
Some have accused Jehovah's Witnesses funerials of being infomercials for the borg. At the time my son died I didn't see it that way but after reflecting back on the talk given I agree. "Welcome friends we are here to remember (fill in the blank) 2 sentences about the person. Back to manuscript about JW beliefs. Concluding prayer. All done. Oh if I only had it to do over again! Problem is I was in schock. The speaker could have recited the "Pledge of Alligiance" and I wouldn't have noticed.
JWs Depression and Suicide
by 00DAD insince jehovah's witnesses supposedly have "the truth" and are part of god's visible organization living in a "spiritual paradise" you would naturally expect that they should be the happiest people on earth!
this clearly is not the case.
wha happened?
To N Drew, Thanks for asking. It turns out that my ex was a con artist who had convinced me that the elders had trumped up charges against him. It was easy to pull off since the committee was comprised of men who constantly acted like Pharasees. My ex's father was an elder much like Eli in the Bible. He backed up his son and hid many of his sins from everyone including me. None of his family shunned him. (they lived on our property) With all of our support he was reinstated in only 8mos. A couple of years later we moved out of the area. I had no idea my husband was only "posing" and living a double life. He was such a good con he soon was appointed a MS in our new hall. All the while he was a drug dealer with a meth habbit and multiple mistresses. The only reason I found out was that one of the girlfriends wanted to marry him. He had told her he was getting a divorce but, of course never did. SHE was a biker chick he should't have crossed. She outed him not only to me but the elders as well. He was DF'ed again, we divorced, and our kids were distroyed. A few years later he messed with the 12 yr old daughter of a leader of an infamous Motorcycle gang. He died "mysteriously" within the year.
JWs just not important in this world no matter what they/we want to believe
by restrangled infor most of us raised in the "truth" and i hate to use that term, we were brought up/and or taught to believe we were very important in this world.
the message being preached, god's chosen people, yadda yadda.. so as we leave this religion, the things we can point to as being news worthy, those breaking the law in the ranks, coverups etc....its really small potatoes in the world at large, although to this group it is huge.. i believe that part of the letting go of the witness mentality is recognizing that in the end its all just a small cult that captured your soul, or you were born in and had no choice.
it sucks bigtime, its larger than life for most of us, but in the bigger picture of life its a very small blip.. there is no question this religion has ruined/destroyed many lives, but to the world at large it isn't big enough to make a differnece to those not involved.. in reality, to use a horrible analolgy.....the jw's are just a pimple on the butt of the world.. .
I believe it's because they include the Spanish, other languages and ASL groups. Those are where the only growth is.
JWs Depression and Suicide
by 00DAD insince jehovah's witnesses supposedly have "the truth" and are part of god's visible organization living in a "spiritual paradise" you would naturally expect that they should be the happiest people on earth!
this clearly is not the case.
wha happened?
I agree with all the comments so far and add this: Witnesses are given mixed messages about "Jehovah's blessing". For example, years ago when my 1st husband was disfellowshipped I became understadably distraught. I talked to an elder(my uncle) about the fact that our family was already having so many problems,I was afraid he might snap. His answer? "It looks like JEHOVAH ISN'T BLESSING YOU. I was KILLING myself to do all the society expected of a christian wife and mother and I was abandoned by the leadership who blamed God. On the other hand I knew many in the org who had broken lots of rules and were flourishing. They would often say after their 3rd trip to Europe "IT WAS A BLESSING FROM JEHOVAH" If the DO MORE religion is true, it would logically follow that pioneers and missionaries would be healthier and have plenty of money. Since virtually all JW's love God and want to please him, they feel horrible about themselves and resentful of others when God is portreyed as so completely unfair. This is where the disconnect comes in: They don't want to believe that Jehovah is unfair with his blessings, they don't want to believe the religion is false, so they're left feeling miserable and UNLOVED by God and His people. Who WOULD NOT be depressed?