Hold me, I don't know any more than anyone else . I wish i did.
Jean Luc, my son would be 32. I feel your pain.
my father served in the second world war.
he served in the south pacific.
he loved his time in the military and my mother was more than supporting.
Hold me, I don't know any more than anyone else . I wish i did.
Jean Luc, my son would be 32. I feel your pain.
at our meeting last night there was a talk about having run out of magazines for the last three months.
it's expected this will continue to happen.
the "branch" has not sent the requested number of magazines.
"If publishers don't tell the truth about how much they can contribute and how many magazines they have placed, can we trust the number of field service hours...?"
Very important point. If the stats given to the WTBT$ are padded by the publishers, who can trust the so called "growth" stated by HQ?
at our meeting last night there was a talk about having run out of magazines for the last three months.
it's expected this will continue to happen.
the "branch" has not sent the requested number of magazines.
again, thanks to wifibandit and pixel for their work behind the scenes.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwzviu3jfko.
Q: Do I ever reminisce about the good times I had with Jehovah's people?
A:The good times were the teen dance parties after the CA and DC which were outlawed in the early '70s
Q: How about an encouraging congregation meeting?
A: The one where i was encouraged to do more or the one where I was encouraged to give more? No wait, the ones where I was ignored.
Q: An encouraging convention?
A: Lets see, give me a minute, ok I liked the one where they had a giant three dimensional lighted brain and throbbing heart. It was very scientifical
Q: You must have had an encouraging time in the ministry.
A: Absolutely. My favorite was back in the 70's when the young hippie I was studying with invited her boyfriend to sit in. It took me a while to see that the crotch was completely ripped out of his pants......AND he wasn't wearing any under ware!
Q: Or simply a pleasant conversation with a fellow believer?
A: I had many simple conversations
Thanks for asking
page 6 of the september 2015 public wt, under the heading "how is our ministry financed"our work is supported entirely by voluntary donations.
(2 corinthians 9:7) in 1879, the second issue of this magazine stated: zions watch tower [as this magazine was then called] has, we believe jehovah for its backer, and while this is the case it will never beg nor petition men for support.
we have not wavered from that policy.
http://appellatecases.courtinfo.ca.gov/search/case/maincasescreen.cfm?dist=0&doc_id=2109889&doc_no=s226656&search=party&start=1&query_partylastnameororg=watchtower bible and tract.
started 5/27/2015.
ask a question, and i will help with a simple answer, not an over referenced i'm smarter than you vent.
ask a question, and i will help with a simple answer, not an over referenced i'm smarter than you vent.
imagine three single sisters who qualified to be appointed as elders in the congregation.
they qualified because they started reaching out in their early teens.
persistently and methodically they worked their way through the ranks by pioneering then becoming a m.s.
what kind of confidence can anyone have in an organization that rejected its founder and first two presidents for the first 63 years of its existence?
that's 53% of the time they existed!
any comments.
Welcome Mr Logic, good op.
Hold me-Thrill me, What does Gen. 1:4 have to do with Watchtower rejecting it's founders/foundation ?