WT is shorting literature orders by congregation with a problem contributing enough for literature $3500 just for mags

by oppostate 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oppostate

    At our meeting last night there was a talk about having run out of magazines for the last three months. It's expected this will continue to happen. Why?

    The "Branch" has not sent the requested number of magazines. Why?

    The very young elder (a talk giving oxymoron in the flesh) explained that this situation may be troubling for some. He asked the publishers not to take a lot of magazines at the beginning of the month and adjust to the situation, sharing whenever possible if someone has extras (unplaced magazines). But why are we short brother, why?

    Well, he hasn't addressed the reason yet. Wait for it... wait...

    No, he's not telling yet. He tells us that the order is about 7 sets per month per publisher, and that we don't have that many on hand each month when the order comes in. But why?

    He goes on to tell us that @ 50 cents each, as he reminds us that's the last price we ever saw requested by the WTS, we should be contributing around $3500 just on magazines alone, and that's not happening. Is that the reason why we don't receive enough magazines to fulfill the monthly order? Well, apparently so, but he's NOT yet saying straight out the WTS isn't going to send them as many WT magazines if the Branch doesn't get an expected amount of contributions. Not yet but, wait, is there's more?

    No, instead, he lets the thought sink in through a raised eyebrows pregnant pause, as he scans the audience, then looks at the COBE, then another glance through the audience.

    So in case anyone in the audience missed the connection he says that since we aren't contributing a set amount per magazine anymore we still need to consider how much each magazine is worth, all the work that goes into preparing the articles and then printing and shipping the magazines and then also consider our personal order, could we be taking too many magazines? Is our conscience aware that we're personally left with extras at the end of the month while some other publishers have run out and wished they had more magazines they could be placing?

    Apparently this is a problem that we need to be made aware of since the elders were made aware of this already. By who? We're left wondering.

    One funny thing is none of the older elders got this part. Why not the Secretary, or our new much younger COBE? Well, for one thing, our Congregation Secretary and the rest of the BOE well know that the total amount of reported placements for the each of the months we've been running out of magazines has been pretty much steady as previous months in 2015. Meaning that even if we've run out of magazines for the month because we didn't receive the full amount ordered. The number reported as placed is much higher than the received quantify of each shipment. Hmmm?

  • purrpurr

    Wow they are playing a dangerous game here surely? Essentially they are holding the congregation to Ransome - give us more money or you won't get any mags!

    What happened to the faithful and discrete slave dispensing spiritual food at the proper time?

    There are some congregations who are small and or poor, what are they going to do if they can't afford this demand?

  • cappytan

    Actually, he was wrong. The last price was 25 cents each. 50 cents for the pair. And those were 32 page magazines. Now, the Watchtower and Awake are both 16 page magazines.

  • oppostate

    Exactly the case, purrpurr, our congo is full of elderly ones in their retirement years. Our previous COBE (himself an octogenarian) told us that the average age of publishers our congregation is over 65 and that figure includes the ages of the children who are UBP's.

    Today I had lunch with an MS in our sister congregation (we meet in the same hall) and they had the same problem. Their shipment didn't include the full amount of magazines ordered.

    Their territory includes more of the suburbs and is full of young families, their publishers are way younger and many times they're the younger relatives of the older publishers in our congregation, which has territory mostly in the inner part of town and many (about a baker's dozen) live in subsidized housing for the elderly.

    But the younger congregation hasn't gotten the "talk" yet. I'm thinking next week I'd like to check in again with him and get the scoop on how they're handling their shortchange conundrum.

  • paulmolark

    Matbe there is another reason this is happening. I can't imagine the bozos that pack the magazines in boxes have a list of which congregations are not make the proper amount of donations so they give them 25 percent fewer mags.

    I can surely be wrong but this sounds like maybe he elders are just deciding not to send the full order

  • oppostate

    Excellent point cappytan! I wonder if he even remembers the time when there was a specific cost attached to the magazines. He must have been just a little guy back in 1990.

    I wonder too if anyone confronted him about his figures. I just shrug my shoulders and will continue to request zero magazines, and place zero magazines. When I was asked if I was even going to order a study copy I told the magazine counter MS that I'd rather highlight on my tablet, and save some trees. ;-)


    Paul, that's a good point too. Maybe it's just a local thing the elders in their wisdom and younger new leadership have decided to do (especially if the CO had something to tell them about the figures).

    But, the other congregation isn't getting their full amount of magazines as before, either. If they get the "talk" maybe there's oversight of this coming from the Branch, or maybe if it's only local it could be the departing CO's last hurrah to get the old retired and hard-pressed for income local publishers to cough up more contributions.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    The harder they squeeze the more they leave.
  • oppostate

    Unfortunately, VI, the older dubs in this congregation have mostly been around since the early 1950's. They've survived a lot of "changes" and kept faithful to the WT.

    We've seen many pass away in recent years due to advancing age and poorer health. These folks are survivors, they don't question much, they are mostly a good hearted bunch who live on little and yet they still give a lot more than they should.

    I'm sure the CO/Branch knows well the contribution figures and the advanced age of most of the publishers. I'm sure the WT is already written in as a beneficiary in a lot of wills. In previous years there were a couple of cases where the dearly departed saved the monthly congregation expense reports to be in the black and then some.

  • paulmolark

    Wow they are playing a dangerous game here surely? Essentially they are holding the congregation to Ransome - give us more money or you won't get any mags!....purrpurr

    There`s nothing unusual about it..

    Except for those who have never seen this situation before..


    You get exactly what you paid for..

    If you pay no money.....YOU GET NO WBT$ LITERATURE..

    The WBT$ isn`t running a Charity.....IT`S A BUSINESS....


    I`m sitting here wondering..

    How many of you,didn`t know that??!!.............LOL!!..

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