Posts by 3rdgen
"Only Baptized Ones have Unrestricted Privilege of Prayer"
by BluesBrother ini was sitting at the recent circuit assembly that i attended, (the things i do for sis blues) and the baptism talk was under way .
i admit that my mind was more on my imminent packed lunch and flask of coffee but i distinctly heard the speaker make the statement that heads this thread and cite a wt reference.. you what !
i was shocked....... how can they possibly make such an arrogant statement ?
I Hate the Sound of the Word Jehovah
by cofty inlistening to clips of the latest manipulative video from the watchtower i realised how much i detest that word - jehovah.. sometimes i have thought it would be interesting to observe a meeting or part of a convention.
every time i heard that word i would be unable to stay in my seat.. i have a visceral reaction every time i hear it.
it stands for so much that i have contempt for.
How long till the hounders come back ?
by Clambake inafter having a baby ?
we just had an elder drop by and invite my wife to the kh with a 21 day old baby.. i thought it was kind of classless.
We talk a lot about conditional friends on here
by cappytan inso, when people post about being shunned by their friends, i've heard several posters say things like, "their friendship is conditional.
real friendships aren't conditional.".
i'm sorry, but that just isn't really true.. if you and i were friends, there are conditions.
I spent this past weekend with my daughters closest friends who are in their thirty's. After finding out it was my first Halloween and why, they all wanted to know what triggered such a drastic change in me and my life.
Of course, they didn't want or need the long answer so I really had to think on my feet. I said there were many many factors but the first brick in the wall to fall was how my second husband and I were treated by the congregation when we married 16 years ago. He was an elder and I was exemplary but there was no bridal shower no party not even a greeting card. I explained that we were all but shunned by our "friends" but had no clue why. Years later i found out my scripturally divorced apostate DFed ex called the elders and told them he had been sleeping with me and I was not free to remarry. I told daughter's friends that not one of my so-called friends bothered to ask ME if the rumors were true.
Her friend's reply was "What conditional friends!" I agreed not wanting to split hairs. In the context of our discussion they were right. Yet I completely agree there are deal- breakers for most any relationship.
My first Halloween Party
by 3rdgen inwarning!
long post ahead!.
i didn't know what to expect but i was really excited to be invited to accompany my daughter and her closest friends to a large (300+) party held at a famous hot spot.
Hi again. looks like my "soon" was more like Watchtower soon.
Some of you are wondering why my daughter has no empathy for ex- JW's. The answer is: her experience being raised a JW was polar opposite from ours. I made sure she had an idyllic childhood. (She was spoiled) She was baptized at 19 after she left home and started college. She left with her best friend 2 years later. She gave nothing, sacrificed nothing and after leaving lost nothing.
Truthfully, I invited myself to the party. I have been begging for three years to come to one of her Halloween parties. The answer was always "Mom, they're too wild for you." This year I wouldn't take no for an answer. The truth is she just didn't want me. I'm still in the dark about why that is.
About the costumes: She asked to be Ariel from Disney's Little Mermaid. I said, "Only if I can be Ursula." She relented and I went to work on a lavish Broadway version of the characters. The bad news: There are no pictures. That in itself is a long story. However, I'm going to have her send them back to me. (too bulky for the plane) I will take and post pics when I can.
more later
My first Halloween Party
by 3rdgen inwarning!
long post ahead!.
i didn't know what to expect but i was really excited to be invited to accompany my daughter and her closest friends to a large (300+) party held at a famous hot spot.
Had to leave for a bit.
Faye, Yes, it was a fab night! I already forgot the models name but I can find out.
Just fine, Thanks. I intend to work more on myself and my baggage and my daughter has recently vowed to do the same.
Dio, Who's older? Haha
the Flippers, Hi friends! Yes, it was one of the most fun and validating days and nights EVER.
More replies soon....
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My first Halloween Party
by 3rdgen inwarning!
long post ahead!.
i didn't know what to expect but i was really excited to be invited to accompany my daughter and her closest friends to a large (300+) party held at a famous hot spot.
WARNING! Long post ahead!
I didn't know what to expect but I was really excited to be invited to accompany my daughter and her closest friends to a large (300+) party held at a famous hot spot. I spent many hours designing and sewing/crafting our costumes. I will shamelessly admit they were SPECTACULAR!
Some background: I hadn't seen my daughter in 13 months. She lives a long distance from me and she has an extremely busy independent life. She and I have had a rocky relationship in the past, (too long to go into). One of her "issues" with me is that she thinks I play a victim about various tragedies in my life-especially my 60 yrs spent believing in Watchtower. She has no empathy for the trauma some experience as they wake up and subsequently leave.
This was the first time I had met approx 10 of her friends who included a well-known actor. She wanted me to STFU about being an ex-JW. I really tried to honor that request, honest! But....... I couldn't help myself. At the party as I "worked the room" without her I went up to a young man who looked to me like he was dressed as some kind of fake security guard. I asked, "Who are you?" He smiled at me and said, "Hi, I'm a Mormon missionary"! "I busted up laughing as he gave me a fake testimony card he had made. I mentioned this was my first Halloween costume and party. Of course he asked why? Turns out he and his girlfriend had both recently left different cults (not Mormon). We felt a strong connection and he even insisted on buying me a drink. Of course I raised my glass and toasted them and they laughed loudly when I told them I was breaking another JW rule!
Next, I approached a couple of women who were together and seemed friendly, one 60 something and one half her age. I used my previous opening line about it being my first Halloween. The older woman turned out to be some kind of ex-hippy spiritual advisor and the younger is "searching". The older woman said she used to take Watchtowers from Jws to add to her collection of quote: "Weird pictures of Jesus". That gave me a good laugh! We talked a long time. As I left them they both hugged me with true affection. They looked for and found my daughter in order to tell her how much they enjoyed meeting me. he he BTW so did the "Mormon" (more he he)
It was about midnight and I was still having a ball dancing and meeting people when my daughter's group decided to leave the venue and go back to the house they had rented in the dessert. I went with the flow although I was having so much fun I didn't want to leave yet. Back at the ranch (so to speak) The guys built a bonfire and the celebrity's best friend started playing guitar and making up hilarious lyrics. One guy with a beard who was wearing overalls put a hat on that in the dark made him look Amish to me. He LOLed when I told him. I spontaneously broke out with my rendition of "been wasting most our lives living in an Amish paradise." The crowd roared.
The evening ended with my daughter's best friend inviting me to join her and the guitar player and his famous model girlfriend in their trailer they had rented next door. As my opening line had worked so well for me all night, I figured why stop now? Guess what? The model was raised a JW!!! I am still smiling as I write this.
I never bothered to tell daughter these experiences since she doesn't want me to even mention JWs to her. Thanks for reading! I just HAD to tell someone.
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3 words to describe.....
by punkofnice in..your experience with the watchtower corporation:.
i'll start...... bully boy elders.
Did you like hymns as a jw?
by jean-luc picard ini was just explaining to mrs picard........ never a jw, and not english, how we used to celebrate the harvest festival, when i was 7 and younger, before my parents converted to jw'ism.. i loved to sing "we plough the fields and scatter".
of course, singing such hymns is, to a jw, paramount to apostasy,with the death penalty like punishment the ensued.. how really stupid their harsh rules.. did you have any favourite hymns?.
i think we would all agree, that they beat the pants off the "kingdom melodies".
I am a born in who loves music. Singing at the KH was always my favorite part of worship. However.....I found even the old songs dull and uninspiring.
When i was 20 the Doobie Bros came out with the hit "Jesus is Just Alright" Wow, I LOVED it! I can't sit still when i hear it. I wondered why JW songs couldn't be as upbeat and include tambourines. Why does every song sound like a funeral dirge? Why couldn't there be choirs?
Since I'm no longer religious I prefer secular upbeat music.
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Goodwill stores: A gathering place for Jehovahs Witnesses.
by Joliette ini recently started working at a goodwill here in wisconsin, and i've never encountered more witnesses ever in my life.
every time i go to work, i see at least two or three people that i used to go to the kingdom hall with getting suits, dresses, etc.
some of them say hi, but some of them i just ignore, or they ignore me.