When I came into the world in 1952 my parents lived in the apartment above the Kingdom Hall so I'm literally a "born in.
I remember everything you mentioned. The first charts I remember were the ones that listed the monthly QUOTAS for each publisher and what the cong. averages were. I remember my parents looking down on the ones who only met the quotas. They thought the quotas were a minimum REQUIRED but in order to be exemplary these should be exceeded. (especially the hrs.)
If I remember correctly the quotas were:
Hours: 12
magazines: 12
books: 1 or 2 (cant remember)
Booklets: (can't remember)
Subscriptions: 2 per campaign
back calls: 6
Bible studies: 1 (your own child/ren didn't count)
These were per month so the chart was brought out every month. Pioneers had a separate chart. I only remember the quotas of 100 hours and 100 magazines. One magazine was expected to be placed per hour for everyone.!
Sometime in the early 1960's the quotas were called GOALS a slightly softened viewpoint that maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't die at Armageddon if the minimum was not reached.
I also remember a chart that looked like a giant thermometer where special campaigns were graphed. The congregation was supposed to reach a certain goal for subs, vacation pioneers, or whatever. Each week we watched the thermometer rise toward the goal. Stupid as it sounds the charts provided a little entertainment for a kid like me who had to sit still and listen to these endless meetings without anything but the Watchtower publications. UGH......