Raymond ' Thank you for posting that.
The Watchtower corporation apparently believes they own the entire alphabet.
this following story is about the german exjw channel jz help that received a cease and desist letter from the watchtower : "we embarked on a journey to shed light on human rights violations within the jehovah's witnesses community.
it all began when our youtube channel, initially named jw victim assistance, was abruptly suspended in august 2019 by the watchtower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, claiming a breach of human rights.
subsequently, in october, we received a cease and desist notice, demanding the cessation of using the abbreviation 'jw' within a short timeframe.
Raymond ' Thank you for posting that.
The Watchtower corporation apparently believes they own the entire alphabet.
by now, it should be painfully obvious that we live in a post tonny morris era where the floods of organizational changes have become possible and a new version of the religion, some have called it warchtower 2.0 is emerging with a soft approach to disfellowshipping practices across the board for all those sinners.
nevertheless 3 groups of people will still be targeted for harsh excommunication, we know the first two well :csa perpetrators and apostates.
Wow, Baihi!
What a story!
Good for you for having enough sense not to get involved in their mess and leaving Watchtower as well.
everybody plays the fool.
'okay, so your heart is brokenyou sit around mopin'cryin' and cryin'you say you're even thinkin' about dyin'well, before you do anything rash, dig this.
I realize I left this thread on a negative note. Yup, I am angry, sometimes depressed, and unlike LongHairGal, I was a child bride at 17. I listened and obeyed the GB not to finish my education, not to have sex before marriage, and the biggest NO NO, not to work when you have a husband who earns enough to get by.
Baalam'sAss listened and obeyed the edict and family pressure against Higher Education even though he was offered scholarships to some Ivy League Colleges. Instead, he pioneered, served at Bethel, and married a Pioneer sister who knew she could not have children. He dearly wanted to be a father and would have been an extraordinary one. But hey, "New Order" is coming any time now so marry the hot chick. LOL
We both went through nasty divorces in separate cities and met in our mid to late 40s at a KH where we had both coincidently moved. We were assigned to the same book study where he was the conductor. As we became acquainted, we saw each other's good qualities that had been grossly overlooked by not only our former spouses but our entire JW families!
We got married and had a whirlwind of trouble from my teenage kids, our exes, the congregation, his job, and even our mothers and other family members.
The bright side is this. At a certain point, we got our carts loaded with the hypocrisy and meanness associated with JW's.
We found the courage to examine OUR religion and now we have been completely out for 12 years.
It is never too late to wake up if you are ready. We are SO HAPPY we did.
everybody plays the fool.
'okay, so your heart is brokenyou sit around mopin'cryin' and cryin'you say you're even thinkin' about dyin'well, before you do anything rash, dig this.
Thanks, Biahi and LongHairGal,
When I think back to those 60 years I spent steeped in that toxic environment I am not surprised that I had to see a therapist and still on anti-anxiety/depression meds.
everybody plays the fool.
'okay, so your heart is brokenyou sit around mopin'cryin' and cryin'you say you're even thinkin' about dyin'well, before you do anything rash, dig this.
How many here remember District Overseers and Bethel Representatives who were flown (all expenses paid by Watchtower) to major cities all over the US?
The "Society" would rent a stadium or convention center where the most gifted and arousing speakers gave talks such as "The Great Earthquake" and "Stay Alive 'Till 75"
Anyone who says the fervor over 1975 came from those who "Ran Ahead of the Organization" was either not old enough to remember or LYING.
I vividly remember the "Kingdom Ministry" that extolled the families who sold their houses and possessions in order to pioneer in the "Last Remaining Months"
During the same time period we were using the book "The Nations Shall Know I am Jehovah" better known as the "Ezekiel" book at the "book study". Week after week it went on and on about how bad the Israelites were for "Panneling their houses" At the urging of the leadership people were soft shunned for building a house or doing or buying ANYTHING others (mainly elders) thought was "Not Living With a View to the End"
In '72 or '73 one of the Watchtower study articles repeatedly stated if a publisher is able to Regular Pioneer but does not, "It is Tantamount to MURDER" Our Bombastic Circuit overseer was visiting that same week. By the time it was over I and several others in our hall were sufficiently guilted into signing up. (100 hrs. a Month)
Even though at this time the Governing Body and the Elder arrangement were in their infancy THEY really knew how to whip up FEAR OBLIGATION and GUILT
everybody plays the fool.
'okay, so your heart is brokenyou sit around mopin'cryin' and cryin'you say you're even thinkin' about dyin'well, before you do anything rash, dig this.
Yes, Newboy
Hubby (Baalam'sAss) and I were 13 and 16 years old, and already baptized at ages 12 and 13 when those articles first came out in 1968. ALL the Borganization did was beat the drum that the "Great Tribulation was scheduled to begin ON or BEFORE 1975. That "The Great Day of God the Almighty" (Armaggdon), the destruction of every man, woman, and child not baptized or baptized and only doing "TOKEN SERVICE" Would be bird food.
It is important to note that we are not talking about a couple of articles in the magizines or a couple of veiled predictions in the study books. This frantic atmosphere permeated every discussion, meeting, assembly, and convention from 1968 through 1975.
The of JWs were not fooled Sometimes. We were fooled ALL of the time.
What was the effect on the brainwashed during the late 1960s to the mid !970s?
I think I'll start a thread.
as there has been some discussion calling bs on this topic, .
i will paste the text from my 10 year plan post and i will critically evaluate how i feel things will turn out.
i will add bold italics my thoughts.. the governing body has a 10-year marketing plan to remodel the organization to become closer to a mainstream christian religion.
WTF [.]org LOL!
i am not a jw, nor have i ever been.
i'm an apostolic pentecostal.
i do have an older half-brother who is about 13 years my senior.
To be a little more specific, in your case I think a card with a brief family update, a picture or two, and a msg. briefly telling him what's new with you and your family. Then mention that you wanted to let him know about your dad's health issues and your concerns about his emotional well-being as well.
That it would be such a tonic for Dad to have a call or a visit from him. I wouldn't try to guilt him the first time I reached out. Just let him know how lonely Dad is and a reminder that life can be so hectic that sometimes we forget those closest to us. Presume that it's just an oversight on his part. Take the high road.
If he responds -mission accomplished. Give it a couple of weeks or so. If no answer, then use a couple of Scriptures as a reminder to him.
If still no answer, your brother is what he is and there is nothing you can say to change him.
i am not a jw, nor have i ever been.
i'm an apostolic pentecostal.
i do have an older half-brother who is about 13 years my senior.
Hello, ApostolicJesus
I am, as my name implies, a third generation Jehovah's Witness going back to the very early 1900s.
My father as a young man, while favorable to the religion, was not baptized and married a non-JW. They had one son I will call D. The marriage ended and the boy was raised primarily with his mother.
Meanwhile, father gets baptized, becomes a JW zealot, and marries an equally zealous "pioneer sister". I was born 18 years after my half brother. There are no other siblings.
My Father abandoned D because he didn't want to become a JW so there was ZERO contact between my half brother and my family.
When I was in my 30's (in the '80s) I was an active JW but was disgusted that my father rejected his own son over a difference of religion. I reached out to D with a card, pictures of me and my family, and contact info. I heard nothing back.
A couple of years ago D's oldest son and I met online through a genealogy site. I asked if D had received my card from so many years ago. My nephew said he remembers D showing it to him (he's only 8 years younger than I) D had said he wants NOTHING to do with Anyone whose last name is C****!!
So my brother blamed me for the sins of our father and rejected a person who would dearly love him if he would let me.
The thing is I am VERY glad I tried. Now I sleep well not worrying "What if?" And I get to have a decent relationship with my nephew.
Nobody lies on their deathbed regretting reaching out in kindness. Just be prepared for whatever answer comes.
Hopefully, every word is true.
13 years ago during a particularly unpleasant talk given by the Circuit Overseer, I got up, collected my things, and walked out. My hubby had recently stopped attending at the time but I was trying to "stay faithful".
Neither Baalam's Ass nor I ever set foot in a KH since.
That asshole did us a giant favor. By acting so blatantly UnChrist-like he was the straw that broke my resolve to "stay in the truth" no matter what. Once away from the constant brainwashing, we had enough courage to honestly examine our religion.
One can only hope that millions more will be triggered by something or someone to realize that the rot in the organization comes from the top down.