I was born early in the year Eisenhower was elected president to middle-aged 2ond gen parents. I was Baptized the month I turned 12 and married at 17 to the Pioneer MS son of the PO who secretly lived a double life.
I was aware of serious flaws and flip-flops in doctrine and policies most of my life but told myself it was the result of "Imperfection" the catchall word to excuse all that is rotten in Watchtower.
My son's sudden death in 2004 changed me. By this time I was married to B.ASS who was close to being PIMO. The Menlo Park fiasco caused me to be mad enough to find Simon's site, read, honestly examine my religion. and realize I was NEVER in the TRUTH but in a CULT! Like Dagney, I am grateful to have made some true friends who happen to be EXJWs.