[January 24, 2013] "On Wednesday researchers from the UK-based European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) published findings in the journal, Nature, describing how they had stored all 154 of Shakespeare’s sonnets, a digital photo of their lab, a PDF of the 1953 study that described the structure of DNA, and a 26-second sound clip from Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, in manufactured DNA. " - rt.com/news/dna-data-storage-research-678/
Posts by JWB
Can anyone decode this?
by JWB incan anyone decode this?.
this is not a trick question.
Symposium: Beware of Apostates! - 'God's Word is Truth!' District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses 2013 - not on JW.ORG
by mindnumbed insymposium: beware of apostates!.
satanhuman apostates also of interest ..... the truth brings "not peace, but a sword" .
Moses Unedited, well at least all that typing was worthwhile. Thanks for your kind remarks. What you say is absolutely right. I for one think it counter-productive to protest either at assemblies or outside Kingdom Halls. While I have serious issues with the WTS, I don't think it proper to cause public disturbances to JWs trying to follow their religious beliefs. Nor do I think it right to cause problems internally by arguing with JWs at meetings, or confronting them in an aggressive manner. I believe these sorts of actions help reinforce in the minds of a lot of JWs the stereotypes the GB likes to paint for them. Anyway, it really is not necessary as there are a lot more effective ways these days to reach out to people when they are ready. I also have decided that if/when a JW turns up at my door I will simply wait for them to ask for my opinions if they wish to know.
Symposium: Beware of Apostates! - 'God's Word is Truth!' District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses 2013 - not on JW.ORG
by mindnumbed insymposium: beware of apostates!.
satanhuman apostates also of interest ..... the truth brings "not peace, but a sword" .
Mary, how can you copyright 'the truth'?
Symposium: Beware of Apostates! - 'God's Word is Truth!' District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses 2013 - not on JW.ORG
by mindnumbed insymposium: beware of apostates!.
satanhuman apostates also of interest ..... the truth brings "not peace, but a sword" .
The 'good news' that JWs preach is concerning "Jehovah's Kingdom", whereas the 'good news' the first century Christians preached was "the kingdom of the Son of God's love", or Christ's Kingdom. Is the WTS not aware the Jesus said that all power and authority in heaven and on earth had been given HIM? This new kingdom was not dubbed "Jehovah's Kingdom" by the early Christian writers. The GB use the preaching of their particular brand of 'good news' as proof that one is a true Christian. So important is it to determine who is a true Christian, that this work of theirs, declaring "Jehovah's Kingdom", requires that they monitor each JW through the use of personal reporting. This of course was something quite foreign to the early Christians preaching the good news of Christ's Kingdom, who completed their task, according to the WTS itself, sometime in the latter part of the first century. Despite being the self-proclaimed steward of Christ, they don't seem to give him his rightful place as the one to whom all judgement has been committed. Its almost like a superstition that you have to mention Jehovah more than Jesus in case Jehovah doesn't get enough glory.
The WTS paints a picture of 'apostates' as being typically persons who act like 'kidnappers' to try to take away disciples after themselves from the ranks of JWs. However, this is just not typical of anti-WTS people nowadays. More likely is that they do not insinuate their ideas on members of their local congregation, but find a voice on the internet. Many have become wise in how they dispense their information about the WTS, knowing that the WTS will try to use scriptures to stereotype them. They say that 'apostates' are not happy simply to leave the organization and make their own disciples, but try to poach follows from among the congregation members. How many 'apostates' do you know of who actively try to influence JWs within the congregations? And how many are really trying to make disciples of others? Gone are the days when virtually the only 'apostate' influence there might be was pro-trinitarian literature handed to you at the doorstep of a staunchly religious householder. Apart from that there was the odd book or two like "Thirty Years a Watchtower Slave".
The truth of the matter is that most people coming out of the organization who wish to voice their concerns actually use forms of information distribution that do not target specific individuals. It seems to me that the WTS cannot really point to any significant in-house 'kidnapping'. So who is not leaving whom alone? The WTS is trying to create an air of ever-present danger that isn't really there. If JWs choose to go to 'apostate' sites and then start to question the WTS teachings, whose fault is that? There is no great danger from within, as it appears most of those having serious questions tend to keep their doubts to themselves, not wishing to attract the attention of the elders and then possibly facing a judicial committee. In my opinion, the GB have known for a long time they can no longer police the actions of JWs like they used to. So they have to use more and more words like 'kidnap', 'wicked', 'demons', 'poison', 'mentally diseased' as emotional leverage to scare individual JWs into continuing to live a life of fear of and isolation from 'the world'.
As far as rejecting "Jehovah's representatives" is concerned, that is a matter of opinion. We have only their word for it. The GB have already decided for Jesus that they are in fact the "faithful steward" who will be assigned by him great honour by being appointed over ALL his belongings in the future. Since they "presume to speak in the name [or by the authority] of Jehovah", they shouldn't mind if they are tested as to their authenticity. Unfortunately for them, not everyone blindly accepts their claim. Modesty is not something for which they are known. A case in point is the blantant use of "glorious ones" to describe themselves and those whom they appoint; never mind the fact that the scripture is probably referring to the angels! Oh, and being taught that God's name is Jehovah apparently is also grand testimony to their rightful place as Jesus' second-in-command. For without their help who would have known that? -
The Mark of The Wild Beast, How Does One Receive It? 666
by Este inthe first thing that needs to be determined is who or what is the wild beast ?......
1and it stood still upon the sand of the sea.. and i saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, and upon its horns ten diadems, but upon its heads blasphemous names.2now the wild beast that i saw was like a leopard, but its feet were as those of a bear, and its mouth was as a lion's mouth.
mP: Worldwide Brotherhood Web? Seriously, yes I am aware of the alternative 616. I just don't know why Revelation is used by so many people to make it fit somehow to the modern day. Thanks very much for your input.
[Added:] "The things that must shortly take place"
Symposium: Beware of Apostates! - 'God's Word is Truth!' District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses 2013 - not on JW.ORG
by mindnumbed insymposium: beware of apostates!.
satanhuman apostates also of interest ..... the truth brings "not peace, but a sword" .
Text appearing in quotes are from the convention talk speaker. Others are notes.
"You cannot be partaking of the table of Jehovah and the table of demons."
"If Satan and his demons are chefs in his evil kitchen, then human apostates are his helpers. Wicked humans imitate the original apostate Satan. Like Satan human apostates are unruly men who cook up wicked reasonings and season their brew with poisonous lies that deceive minds. Human apostates have fed at the table of Jehovah. At Jehovah's table they enjoyed a banquet of well oiled dishes, a banquet of wine kept on the dregs. They were domestics, part of the household of faith, who partook of Bible truth prepared and dispensed by the faithful steward, the Governing Body. But they pushed away from the table of Jehovah. Their preference is to partake of falsehood at the table of demons."
"Apostates do not drift away from the truth, they deliberately decide to go out from among God's people, because they are not of our sort. Human apostates are part of the seed of the serpent spoken of at Genesis three verse fifteen."
"How to identify human apostates and what you must do to protect yourself from the poison of apostacy."
"Apostacy often starts with prideful rejection of counsel and escalates into bitterness and jealousy."
Three characteristics of "apostates":
1. Luke 6:46. Call Jesus 'Lord', but don't do preaching work.
2. Acts 20:30. Rather than going out and making their own disciples, many want to take away "Christ's disciples" after themselves. Like kidnappers. Prey upon trusting members of the congregation, seeking to carry them away from "the flock". Additionally they seek to cause divisions in the congregation. 2 Peter 2:1 - False teachers quietly bring in destructive sects. Smooth talk on the internet and on the television or in letters to loyal Witnesses.
3. Claim to serve Jehovah, but they reject "his representatives". 3 John verse 9 - apostle John opposed by Diotrophes. In an effort to discredit "Jehovah's representatives." Mention of not trembling at "glorious ones". They lie to authorities. Incite bans on the work. Falsely stated that "Jehovah's organization" supported Hitler during his regime.
Protect from "poison" of apostacy. Romans 16:17. Avoid those who cause divisions. Illustration of doctor warning against a contagious deadly disease. Human apostates are "mentally diseased" and try to infect others with their disloyal teachings. 2 John 10 & 11 - no greetings. No visiting of websites or commenting on their blogs. Don't want to become sharers in "their wicked works". Not interested in twisted teachings and contradict God's word of truth. "We love Jehovah's organization. The organization that taught us thrilling truths."
"Apostates are not sincere in their expressions."
1 John 2:18-19. Antichrists. "Apostates become part of the antichrist. They are against Christ. They are liars and deceivers, bent on destroying your relationship with Jehovah God, and his son Christ Jesus." -
The Mark of The Wild Beast, How Does One Receive It? 666
by Este inthe first thing that needs to be determined is who or what is the wild beast ?......
1and it stood still upon the sand of the sea.. and i saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, and upon its horns ten diadems, but upon its heads blasphemous names.2now the wild beast that i saw was like a leopard, but its feet were as those of a bear, and its mouth was as a lion's mouth.
I'm afraid Nambo is wrong. 666 is represented by the World Wide Web. You see the Hebrew letter Waw has a numeric value of 6. So, maybe the WTS are correct (for once) in warning people about using the internet.
Symposium: Beware of Apostates! - 'God's Word is Truth!' District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses 2013 - not on JW.ORG
by mindnumbed insymposium: beware of apostates!.
satanhuman apostates also of interest ..... the truth brings "not peace, but a sword" .
A case of the pot calling the kettle black, right out of the horse's mouth. Unfortunately the WTS never seems to learn that what you write may well come back to haunt you, and the more you write ...
Symposium: Beware of Apostates! - 'God's Word is Truth!' District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses 2013 - not on JW.ORG
by mindnumbed insymposium: beware of apostates!.
satanhuman apostates also of interest ..... the truth brings "not peace, but a sword" .
"False Prophecy Originates with Satan"
Hmm, 'false prophecy', now where have I heard that before?
Some thoughts on Mark 13
by JWB insome thoughts on mark 13. .
i decided to look again at the so-called 'signs of the times' from the perspective of mark's gospel.
chapter 13 sets the scene.
I decided to look again at the so-called 'signs of the times' from the perspective of Mark's gospel. Chapter 13 sets the scene. As Jesus' company goes out of the temple at Jerusalem, one of his disciples praises the wonderful stones and buildings. Jesus then makes the remarkable statement that these buildings will be torn down without a stone left upon a stone. Later on, while on the Mount of Olives, four of his disciples speak to him privately about what he said earlier. This is what they asked:
"Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign when all these things are going to be fulfilled?"
Now, just think for a moment about the actual question. The context of the question has to do with the destruction of Jerusalem, there is no other topic under consideration here. They ask two things about the destruction of Jerusalem, the first concerning the general time period, and the second concerning any sign that would precede this to give warning of its approach. The lengthy answer Jesus gives shows that this matter concerns them, not some far off future generation.
One sign he gives of the coming destruction is the imposition of the "abomination of desolation" (the Roman army), a very real event which should serve as a warning for those in Judea to flee to the mountains.
Another sign is that 'they' will see the "Son of Man coming in clouds with great glory". Who are 'they'? If we move on to the next chapter (14) in verse 62, we have Jesus telling those present at his trial that 'you' (plural form) will see the "Son of Man sitting at the right hand of power and coming with the clouds of heaven." So he indicates here that his coming in the clouds concerns the people of the day, and again not some far off future generation. In my latest research I found these interesting observations by Jewish historian Josephus when he was writing about the events of the Roman seige of Jerusalem (Wars 6.5.3):
"Thus there was a star resembling a sword, which stood over the city, and a comet, that continued a whole year."
"[O]n the twenty-first day of the month Artemisius, a certain prodigious and incredible phenomenon appeared; I suppose the account of it would see to be a fable, were it not related by those that saw it, and were not the events that followed it of so considerable a nature as to deserve such signals; for, before sunsetting, chariots and troops of soldiers in their armor were seen running about the clouds, and surrounding the cities. Moreover at that feast which we call Pentecost, as the priests were going by night into the inner [court of the] temple, as their custom was, to perform their sacred ministrations, they said that, in the first place, they felt a quaking, and heard a great noise, and after that they heard a sound as of a great multitude, saying, 'Let us remove hence.'"
These quotes are given here for their educational value, not to try to prove that this was the fulfillment of Jesus' 'clouds' sign. However, this is the only historical evidence I've come across of any type of supernatural experiences around about the time of Jerusalem's fall.
Another aspect of Jesus prophecy concerned the preaching of the gospel. I find it interesting what the Watch Tower Society has to say on this matter:
"About 60-61 C.E., Paul reported in his letter to the Colossians that the good news was 'bearing fruit and increasing in all the world' and had been 'preached in all creation that is under heaven.' (Col. 1:5, 6, 23) The early Christians had been obedient to the Word, and holy spirit had empowered them to accomplish a worldwide preaching work before the end of the Jewish system of things in 70 C.E. A seemingly impossible task had been completed. How encouraging it was for those faithful Christian workers to hear reports of what was being accomplished!" - Paragraph 2, page 84 of the WTS's publication "Organized To Do Jehovah's Will"
Even the WTS accepts that Jesus had in mind the end of the Jewish system of things. So, the worldwide preaching work was already accomplished in the first century! Maybe JWs who find 'door to door' work such a bind should point that out to their local elders.
Of course, we know the WTS likes to use its formulaic 'greater fulfillments' doctrine to make what Jesus said relevant to today, with them of course 'fulfilling' it. But their theological device is actually an extra-biblical one.