I just got off the phone with P. We talked for hours. I told her from the outset, that I could be DF'd for even talking to her, and she said she knew that. She also knew that her dear conditional dub friend would have reported her blood transfusions to the elders had P not come forward herself. She used the CULT word first! She also said, "I don't believe they are the sole channel of communication from God." P wrote her elders a letter stating that she couldn't promise that she would not take blood again, if she was put in the same circumstance, and that she could not lie about that to remain in good standing. I told her that letter was likely seen as a letter of disassociation.
We both openly shared our very real pain, and it is very clear that neither one of us is ever going back. P shared with me something I didn't know. The "anointed'' elder that she studied with confided that he had his own doubts about the blood doctrine and deeply regretted having withheld what may have been a life-saving blood transfusion from his dear wife. He felt responsible for her death. This was not public knowledge in the congregation. It was not spoken about, and I had no idea!
I shared some resources with her and expressed concern that she needed to fully deprogram herself, as she was using words such as "apostate" in the dub manner. She agrees we were brainwashed and can see it in the dear friend she lost. She misses her friend's little girl so much, because she felt like she was her little grand-daughter, but there is nothing either of them could say that would ever make her want to go back. P agreed to look at jwfacts.com and read one of Steven Hassan's books. P says her husband has said the JWs were a cult from day one.
One side story of note. P is now living in a, shall we say, redneck part of the US. She says there are so few elders that they had to recombine a congregation that had split. Also, there is an elder who is what they call a "prepper". His property is a gated compound, surrounded by fencing with barbed wire at the top. He is storing goods and has guns in preparation for The End! The BOE turns a blind eye, 'cuz they need him. All right then!