You need one for the diassociated amoung us...
"I will die at Armageddon"
think of the awesome reception you will get at your next meeting or convention wearing a stylish apostates, inc. shirt.
such as our personal favorite:.
happy shopping!.
You need one for the diassociated amoung us...
"I will die at Armageddon"
think of the awesome reception you will get at your next meeting or convention wearing a stylish apostates, inc. shirt.
such as our personal favorite:.
happy shopping!.
why do i thihk only rednecks would purchase these shirts
the quote below was mentioned in a silentlambs post of pot calling the kettle black.
*** w90 2/1 25 exposing "the man of lawlessness" ***.
.. 19 the worldliness of some clergy has even been exposed in the media in recent times, as for example the licentious and luxurious life-styles of some tv clergymen.
. once you answer my question, we can move on. until then, you continue to miss the point. are joking......right??
the quote below was mentioned in a silentlambs post of pot calling the kettle black.
*** w90 2/1 25 exposing "the man of lawlessness" ***.
.. 19 the worldliness of some clergy has even been exposed in the media in recent times, as for example the licentious and luxurious life-styles of some tv clergymen.
please are fooling yourself.
any person can see that antis will go to the "personal attack"
method if a dub refuses to change his or her viewpoint...
words such as brainwashed..uneducated..etc..are some of the
favorites amongst your brothers and sister dubby...
we musnt forget the attacks on grammar and spelling..
it's interesting that you should bring this up.
your tactic seems to be the "i''ll state the attack
this way so it seems reasonable to the rest of the
members on this board" all too predictable...
here's some homework for you
find the threads longer the one page long that involve
a dub and an anti "debating" as you
tally 'em up and see who was the first with personal
attacks....examples should include
attacks on grammar
attacks on education
attacks on employment
and just plain old name calling
shall we start with this one??
the quote below was mentioned in a silentlambs post of pot calling the kettle black.
*** w90 2/1 25 exposing "the man of lawlessness" ***.
.. 19 the worldliness of some clergy has even been exposed in the media in recent times, as for example the licentious and luxurious life-styles of some tv clergymen.
i dont know if youve ever said that or not, either way its really irrelevant. the thing is, by drawing attention to someone elses supposed petty tactics, when they are in fact your own petty tactics as well, you are simply labeling yourself a hypocrite
actually it is very relevant...i often state:
lurkers take note..notice the following "jabs" by the antis as they
resort to the "attacks" they always rely on.
notice the word "always";....yes follow any thread where
a dub is not agreeing with an anti view and you will see
personal attacks....its that simple.
now review my past thread and note if I always attack like
antis when someone does not agree with me..
it's very anti will always attack..often hoping
to hide it in some manner as "group logic" as you do
welcome back to class dubby
the quote below was mentioned in a silentlambs post of pot calling the kettle black.
*** w90 2/1 25 exposing "the man of lawlessness" ***.
.. 19 the worldliness of some clergy has even been exposed in the media in recent times, as for example the licentious and luxurious life-styles of some tv clergymen.
i said:
lurkers take note..notice the following "jabs" by the antis as they
resort to the "attacks" they always rely on.
id guess most see you as a braindead fence sitter; a hypocrite who doesnt practice what he preaches, and relies on personal insults and one line arguments as his great defense of the wt. heres a good example of your contradictionsyaaaaaaaawnn
notice the following "jabs" by the antis as theyplease post the thread where I stated I "never" attacked
resort to the "attacks" they always rely on.
the quote below was mentioned in a silentlambs post of pot calling the kettle black.
*** w90 2/1 25 exposing "the man of lawlessness" ***.
.. 19 the worldliness of some clergy has even been exposed in the media in recent times, as for example the licentious and luxurious life-styles of some tv clergymen.
lurkers take note..notice the following "jabs" by the antis as they
resort to the "attacks" they always rely on.
as per messenger:
If the shoe fits, Ok my bad, window cleaners do not know about this eitheris it so bad to be a janitor or a window cleaner??..again
I know what a Rolex costs....whats really interesting about this "jab" is that
Oh really? How much shithead.
Your are only a lying fool that makes up these silly stories to prove the hypocrisy of a good brother like Max Larson.again an attack on a servant of Jehovah
Max was pompus asshole and you would know that if you ever served at bethel which I doubt.
anyone who has ever met Br. Larson knows his true humility
i took a look at my wies isaiah book where she had it marked and checked out tonight's assigned material.
it's astonishing to me that anyone with even an average intelligence could choke this stuff down.
does anyone really take this tripe seriously?
the fds has never claimed to have all the answers.
the quote below was mentioned in a silentlambs post of pot calling the kettle black.
*** w90 2/1 25 exposing "the man of lawlessness" ***.
.. 19 the worldliness of some clergy has even been exposed in the media in recent times, as for example the licentious and luxurious life-styles of some tv clergymen.
and yet wrong for me or anyone else to celebrate the birth of a child. One of those things that make you go HUmmmmmmmmm.
umm no...everyone else can celebrate anniver. cant they??
i heard a rumor that a couple of years ago the jw's actually outlawed french kissing too.
can anyone tell me if this is true and also whether or not there has been any "new light" shed on the policy since?.
thank you.
i beleive this was outlawed sometime after
subliminal messages in the Watchtower magazine
were outlawed too