What if you knew the child was going to grow into an incredibly evil person such as Hitler who would go on to kill millions of people? Would it be better to let one child die in order to save millions from death?
JoinedPosts by PaddyTheBaddy
Moral responsibility.
by nicolaou inno subtlety here, it's going to be obvious where i'm going with this.
please consider the following scenario.. you're seated on a railway platform bench waiting for your train.
a high speed intercity is about to hurtle through without stopping when you see a small child running to the platforms edge!
What Does Prayer Actually Do?
by punkofnice inif you think it works, what is your evidence outside of possible coincidence?.
The Animal Sentience Bill - what next?
by LoveUniHateExams inso, in the uk there was recently a bill which was nodded through parliament - the animal sentience bill - which was backed by vegan activists.. dogs, cats.
cows, even lobsters now have been recognised to have feelings.. first of all, let me say that if you want to go vegan that's fine with me.
we're all allowed our individual dietary choices.. but for how much longer?
@Paddy - dude, if you think Vegans won't use this Bill as a springboard in order to try and ultimately shut down meat production, you're one very naive person.
What I'm not naive about is their chances of getting government’s to ban the exploitation of animals, including pig valves for heart surgery.
Vegans, unlike JW's, know governments won't unite together to ban things such as animal suffering or religion. Vegan use a different approach. They try and persuade people individually from consuming animal produce, based upon ethical concerns. It works on some but not on most. Most people, although concerned about animal suffering, are won over by the fact that they just taste so damn good.
Where I support vegans and other animal rights activists is in their attempts to highlight the cruel processes animals are subjected to before they are eventually killed.
You kind of expect underdeveloped countries such as the states to have poor regulations in slaughter houses, but when the land of hope and glory is found wanting, something needs to be done.
This video contains scenes of pigs, sheep and cows literally being tortured and beaten to death. I don't even blame the people doing the torturing as they have become so desensitised to the pain of the animals. Humans need protecting from the darker side of their nature. If vegans can help in some way, then well and good.
The Animal Sentience Bill - what next?
by LoveUniHateExams inso, in the uk there was recently a bill which was nodded through parliament - the animal sentience bill - which was backed by vegan activists.. dogs, cats.
cows, even lobsters now have been recognised to have feelings.. first of all, let me say that if you want to go vegan that's fine with me.
we're all allowed our individual dietary choices.. but for how much longer?
I don't think you're bothering to join the dots.
It doesn't take a genius to work out that Vegans will use this Bill and any resulting legislation to shut down meat farms.
You honestly think Vegans will all pack away their protest placards and go home now that the Bill has been passed?I don't think you have understood the scope of the bill. Just because we officially recognise animals can feel pain, doesn't mean we have a legal obligation to do anything about it. Animal rights activists, including vegans, will have a means to help influence government policy in areas which concern animal welfare. This I fully support. Animals need protecting from us. Especially from this guy
I can assure you Boris, just like punkofnice, knows what a burger tastes like. However, unlike punkofnice, the animal sentience bill was part of his election manifesto. This doesn't mean he intends on giving up his burger anytime soon.
The Animal Sentience Bill - what next?
by LoveUniHateExams inso, in the uk there was recently a bill which was nodded through parliament - the animal sentience bill - which was backed by vegan activists.. dogs, cats.
cows, even lobsters now have been recognised to have feelings.. first of all, let me say that if you want to go vegan that's fine with me.
we're all allowed our individual dietary choices.. but for how much longer?
Maybe there should be a bill to improve Human welfare.There is one, Its called Biden's social welfare bill. It's not very popular either.
The Animal Sentience Bill - what next?
by LoveUniHateExams inso, in the uk there was recently a bill which was nodded through parliament - the animal sentience bill - which was backed by vegan activists.. dogs, cats.
cows, even lobsters now have been recognised to have feelings.. first of all, let me say that if you want to go vegan that's fine with me.
we're all allowed our individual dietary choices.. but for how much longer?
LoveUniHateExams5 days ago
I think people who campaign for animal rights deserve our support - but their aim isn't to improve livestock conditions, it's to stop meat being produced.
BTW, I'm all for improving livestock conditions ... if that's the only aim.The animal sentience bill legally recognises that animals feel pain and pleasure, happiness and misery. More than 45 different animal rights and environmental groups campaigned for the bill, including the Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Vegans obviously support the bill, but it's a million miles away from protecting animals against us eating them. It is a step forward in helping to reduce their suffering before we eat them. For example killing the lobster before boiling it.
Matt Ridley, a popular science writer has probably gotten it right when he said “The sentient animals that concern me in relation to the Bill are the living, sensing, voluntarily moving creatures called bureaucrats. The Bill does little or nothing to change the way we treat animals, but it does create a wonderful feeding opportunity for Homo bureaucratius to do what it is best at: to build a nest and raise a lot of workers.”
The Animal Sentience Bill - what next?
by LoveUniHateExams inso, in the uk there was recently a bill which was nodded through parliament - the animal sentience bill - which was backed by vegan activists.. dogs, cats.
cows, even lobsters now have been recognised to have feelings.. first of all, let me say that if you want to go vegan that's fine with me.
we're all allowed our individual dietary choices.. but for how much longer?
Dogs, cats. cows, even lobsters now have been recognised to have feelings.
I'm not vegan or vegetarian. I do recognise that animals bread for slaughter can be subjected to horrific treatment. I think people who campaign for animal rights deserve our support. They certainly won't get everything they want, but their efforts may go a long way to help improve conditions in slaughter houses.
This film contains some of the most horrific scenes of animal cruelty ever recorded. If we are going to eat them we should at least be aware of what they had to go through before they arrived on our plate. The kosher slaughter houses are particularly gruesome.
"If I could make everyone in the world see one film,
I'd make them see EARTHLINGS."
- Peter Singer, author Animal Liberation
EARTHLINGS is a 2005 American documentary film about humankind's total dependence on animals for economic purposes. Presented in five chapters (pets, food, clothing, entertainment and scientific research) the film is narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, featuring music by Moby, and was written, produced and directed by Shaun Monson.
The Bible - God's Word or Man's
by truth_b_known inthat is the title of one of the watchtower's seemingly endless list of books that was pushed out for sale placement in the jehovah's witness' ministry.
the title does ask a great question.
those who would deny that the bible is divine in origin usually point to failed prophecy, events that do not mesh with historic evidence, scientific evidence, or even plagiarism from other religions.
There are a few appropriate verses among the ~ 50 000, though, . One example in this week's zooming:
"Earth hanging on nothing" but actually hanging, against gravity by the "dynamic" energy of it's velocity, creating the centrifugal force. One could hardly call energy "nothing". andGod could have opted for general relativity, the ancient mind most likely would have struggled to understand it.
the lacking support is seen in the fuzzy image of the shadow of the earth against the moon in an eclipse. so, no secret to any observant ancients.
It's still a secret to many modern day observers who believe the earth is flat. -
The Bible - God's Word or Man's
by truth_b_known inthat is the title of one of the watchtower's seemingly endless list of books that was pushed out for sale placement in the jehovah's witness' ministry.
the title does ask a great question.
those who would deny that the bible is divine in origin usually point to failed prophecy, events that do not mesh with historic evidence, scientific evidence, or even plagiarism from other religions.
PTB, no, in verse 37 of ICor14 he declares it to be the "Lord's commandment" and:
I think you could argue that Paul needed an argument from authority in his attempt to get the Corinthians to listen to his council. The Corinthians questioned his apostleship which meant they didn't have much regard for his teaching. When Paul wrote to Timothy he stated that he did not permit a woman to teach.
1 Timothy 2:12
I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.
He couldn't use the same approach with the Corinthians because many of them didn't care what Paul thought. This may be why Paul referred to what the law stated in order to add some weight to his argument for women to remain silent.
Women are to be silent in the churches. They are not permitted to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says.
Paul didn't actually believe christians where under obligation anymore to keep the whole law. He didn't believe in circumcision so no one was yoked to the law. He expresses his thoughts in Galatians below. Also Jesus never silenced any woman. The first person he revealed his identity to was a woman who went off and told everyone.
It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. 2 Behold I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no benefit to you. 3 And I testify again to every man who receives circumcision, that he is under obligation to keep the whole Law. 4 You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace. 5 For we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness. 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love. . . . 13 For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. 14 For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, " YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF. "
If the bible is a product of the universe's intelligence heritage, do you think that is true of other holy writings too? They are just as an oddball read!
Yes it goes for every book ever written not just holy ones. The only way around this is to believe in free will. If you believe in free will then you aren't far from believing in some form of dualism or separation between mind and body.
The Bible - God's Word or Man's
by truth_b_known inthat is the title of one of the watchtower's seemingly endless list of books that was pushed out for sale placement in the jehovah's witness' ministry.
the title does ask a great question.
those who would deny that the bible is divine in origin usually point to failed prophecy, events that do not mesh with historic evidence, scientific evidence, or even plagiarism from other religions.
How about Pauls advise that "Women should not speak in the congreagation"
I think this may be one of those instances where it was just an opinion expressed by Paul.