One way God may communicate with humankind is through both the physical and moral laws. Moral laws may be likened to having received a letter from your parents giving you information, not about how you must behave, as in the case with the physical laws, but more how you ought to behave. I think the “ ought" in this case comes with a condition. That being you value a world where people live together in peace and harmony.
Both the physical and moral laws reflect something about what or who it is that produced the universe we find ourselves in.
From Richard Dawkin’s observation of the world he finds himself in he concludes the following
"The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pitiless indifference.”
So according to this view, something which is pitiless and indifferent produced our universe and everything we observe in the world around us, including humans who can display mercy and compassion.