Do you realise that this "Memorial" that you observe is NOT a commanded Feast day as found in Leviticus 23?? Yeshua said "Keep doing this in Remembrance of me" he did Not mean for people to hold some ridiculous Yearly celebration, what he DID do is observe Passover, as everyone who really knows what the bible really does teach does observe, because Yahweh, Our creator Commanded us to!! For further details, please go to 119 Ministries and see their Biblical teaching on Passover and why we are to continue celebrating this even as believers in Messiah Yeshua. And, for the unleavened bread, yes, we are to rid ourselves and our households of all unleavened bread for 14 days, according to scripture. Remember, TEST EVERYTHING!!! Shalom
JoinedPosts by Testeverything
About the Memorial and Unleavened Bread Thing..
by snugglebunny inunleavened bread has no yeast in it.
and yeast is a symbol of sin, right?
not good for symbolising whatever it's supposed to symbolise, obviously.. so my beloved missus, who i believe is possibly the best cook in the world (although i do have a soft spot for chef nigella lawson with those magnificent knockers and all) is an absolute ace at baking sourdough bread.. and yes, sourdough bread - especially when toasted - is absolutely yummy.
This Sucks: Every Day this pandamic goes on, PIMI wife is slipping further and further into the WT abyss
by goingthruthemotions inthere will be no hope that she will ever come out of the wt abyss.
her mind is so diluted with the cult, i.e.
the best life ever.
goingthruthemotions; the best advice i can give you is to challenge her to TEST EVERYTHING that she is being taught/told!! There is a site for that and it is called 119 Ministries. they teach what the bible REALLY has to say based on Fact and not some man-made doctrinal Bowl sheet!! If you would like, you can send me private messages and i can give you some information on how to blow her beliefs in this Criminal Enterprise masquerading as a religion Right out of the water. Shalom
Repeating Jehovah Jehovah Jehovah
by Davros inwent to a meeting after a long absence.
after being away for so long, its still the same old thing.
(this was a couple of weeks ago before the zoom thing).
I am attempting to point out to people the fact that they are violating the 3rd commandment, by Using what They Think is the name of God Excessively; which is a further demonstration that they could not Possibly be the "True Religion that God speaks through" If you violate/break one commandment, you might as well break them all......
Counting Memorial Attendees and Partakers
by caves inhow will the borg be able to count the partakers(144,000 anointed) since jws are to celebrate the memorial at home?
what about accurate counts for attendees?
what challenges do you see?
First off, let me just tell you something; having a "Memorial" in observance of Yeshua's death is NOT what He meant when he said "Keep doing this in remembrance of me"; he meant, take the bread, the wine and partake to remember the fact that He gave himself as the Sacrifice and Atonement for our sins. He did NOT say "HOld a big, huge meeting and see who thinks they're worthy to partake"one time a year or some other ridiculous nonsense!! Let's have a look at the Feast days we ARE COMMANDED to celebrate and observe, found in Leviticus 23. Passover is the Feast day that is almost upon us. Yeshua was the Passover lamb. Yahweh COMMANDED US to keep these feast days, for all time, as in Eternity. Having a man-made celebration of Yeshua's death is a gross misinterpretation of scripture. That would certainly be the case when one does not have the true Holy Spirit/RuAch HaKodesh. The JW's are blinded as to what scripture really does say in almost everything they believe and if you would like, you can ask me questions and i will answer them, From the Bible!!
I would like to direct your attention to sites that do teach what the bible really has to say; 119 Ministries; Assembly of Called Out Believers; Land of Honey; Triumph In Truth and UNLearn the lies.
I want to challenge Any JW, past or present, to show me, From Scripture a couple of things;
by Testeverything inwhere it is commanded/commissioned that a group of people should build a house of worship called a kingdom hall??
---i have a lot of relevant scriptures on that subject.
i would also like to see where it says in the word of yahweh that he chose a man-made organization to be his "voice" that he speaks through; .
Hi, folks, thanks for your replies. By my question i am attempting to expose the fact that the JW's are a Man-made religion and following doctrines of men instead of the Word of Our Creator. This subject came up while i was listening to some teachings on the building of the temple. It clearly says in scripture that certain individuals throughout history were instructed to build a beautiful, magnificent Temple where Yahweh's spirit and Glory will fill that temple!! So, some Man came up with the idea of calling a place of worship a "Kingdom Hall" and there is NO Such thing in scripture, further demonstrating that this religion can NOT be the True "Religion" and the only mouthpiece/voice of our Creator. Yeshua was in the Synagogue, On the Sabbath, teaching his disciples/followers the Torah. There are many other relevant scriptures on this matter that i will be happy to share if you would like to see what scripture says.
Thank you and may Yahweh open your eyes. Shalom.
Great Trib is Starting!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara injust received a text yesterday...lovebombing to return with so called proof of the gt starting...scaremongering at its peak!.
missing you at the meetings.
Attention everyone!! Listen to this very carefully!! You need to learn the TRUTH about the end-times and about what the bible REALLY has to say; Please go to the following websites for SOLID, bible-based teachings and may your eyes be opened!!
Assembly of Called Out Believers; Triumph in Truth; 119 Ministries; Land of Honey and UNLearn the lies.
Thank you and may Yahweh bless you
I want to challenge Any JW, past or present, to show me, From Scripture a couple of things;
by Testeverything inwhere it is commanded/commissioned that a group of people should build a house of worship called a kingdom hall??
---i have a lot of relevant scriptures on that subject.
i would also like to see where it says in the word of yahweh that he chose a man-made organization to be his "voice" that he speaks through; .
Where it is commanded/commissioned that a group of people should build a house of worship called a Kingdom hall?? ---i have A Lot of relevant scriptures on that subject.
I would also like to see where it says in the Word of Yahweh that He chose a Man-made organization to be his "Voice" that he speaks through;
and where does it say in scripture that a Man was given the authority/inspiration to create a New Religion?? --I have alot of relevant scriptures on this, as well