Frank Don't make shit up out of whole cloth and present it as fact. You are implying an offensive move. Rioters breaking into homes and business are not the only reason to own an AR or AK. As a defensive move if you have three or so people do a home invasion and you have some seven round hand gun and in the panic you miss a few times you are SOL. An AR or AK or any gun that can hold more than a hand full of cartridges will work. Heck any Glock I own I have a drum mag for them also. Any semi auto that has a detachable mag has large mags made for it. I have a M11 that has 32 round 9mm mags. That will work also but I prefer my AR SBR or a nice pump shot gun in 12 ga that can send several 32 cal pellets at one shot taking out one or two criminals in one shot. Hi Bob, Bye bob. Best buck 32 I ever spent.
JoinedPosts by phoenixrising
Riots one reason to own an AR15 and several 30 round or 100 round mags.
by phoenixrising ini hear this from the leftist idiots all the time.
if someone breaks into your home 6 bullets are enough.
well if its a one of i would argue that i still my need more round for even just one person.
Would You Like To See Your Police Departments “Defunded”?
by minimus indo you think it’s a good idea?.
This is and has been part of the leftist idiots goal for a long time. Obama admitted that he wanted to "fundamentally remake America" To remake something one has to tear down that existing something. One can not remake a house without demolition. This was one of the few truths Obama told the public. I guess he felt it was cryptic enough that the useful idiots would not know what he was talking about. Tear it down and remake it. But into what? They have told us plain and simple they want a communist/socialist world. One in which what they say goes. Ban cars, ban oil, ban guns, ban free speech unless its in lock step with the ideas of those in power, ban industry, ban what ever it is that does not fit into the leftists idiots current ideology. Ban any Church that does not allow gay women and tranny preachers. Ban parents from complaining that some man who is a perv and IDs as a woman can take a wizz with your 9 yo daughter and the list goes on and on. Most of the leftist idiots have no idea that their perceived utopia is nothing but a living hell on earth. Most of the protesters are rejects and failed college students who can not pass Russian lesbian lit.
Would You Like To See Your Police Departments “Defunded”?
by minimus indo you think it’s a good idea?.
This has to be the single most stupid idiotic Fed up idea the leftist assholes have ever thought up. This whole BS Black lies murder BS and ANTIFA crap is going to back fire in a big way. Back in the late 70s and 80s the left destroyed NYC. Time square was nothing but drug dealers pimps and hookers and peep shows. High crime. The liberal idiots saw that they could not even stand it and voted in law and order people who cleaned it up than the idiots go back to doing the same crap.
Now people are flooding out of Kalifornia, Assachoosets and NYC, Baltimore and the like. Leaving it to the idiots and criminals. I know a few people in Kalifornia who are moving out and closing down business because of the idiots in charge letting the homeless run the streets, criminals steal under 800 or 1000 dollars and its not a crime and letting the Black lies Murder and ANTIFA run wild and letting them destroy. People who are not idiots have had enough of this stupid crap.
Is it me or is John Cedars channel becoming a self important circle fest
by phoenixrising ini still like the commentary on the monthly’s, i can skip through some parts.
but it seems like he is pushing too hard to put out videos and the quality is getting very low on the content..
You mean his putting together the Millennial falcon snap together toy video was not entertaining?
Proof the covid lock down was leftist biased.
by phoenixrising in
Facts are facts no mater where you find them. PMSNBC and ABC CBS and National panhandler radio and TV are far left leaning propaganda rags. There is no "news" any longer. There is only oped. If you can not think for your self like most if not all leftist idiots than you will be doomed to follow what ever pied piper captivates you with some shiny object. See the lemmings out holding up signs Black lies murder or something like that.
Riots one reason to own an AR15 and several 30 round or 100 round mags.
by phoenixrising ini hear this from the leftist idiots all the time.
if someone breaks into your home 6 bullets are enough.
well if its a one of i would argue that i still my need more round for even just one person.
This is just how stupid and ignorant the left has become. MLK said he look to the day when a man was judged by the content of his character and not the color of his skin. Now we see if you judge a person by the content of their character you are called a racist. The left is so rotten to the core that in today's Leftist stupid parties JFK, RFK and MLK would not pass the purity test. This is just how stupid they are.
Riots one reason to own an AR15 and several 30 round or 100 round mags.
by phoenixrising ini hear this from the leftist idiots all the time.
if someone breaks into your home 6 bullets are enough.
well if its a one of i would argue that i still my need more round for even just one person.
Stan no one really cares if you pander to LHG or not. I am sure she does not care if you try to suck up or not. I thank god you don't live here and I hope we can deport all those like you. People who share your mental disease are what is destroying these once great nations. England and Germany and other once great European countries are being undermined by the useful idiots and those pulling the strings. I would bet that totalitarian nations like China and Russia are helping pull those strings and the useful idiots don't know or see because they are not trained or capable of thinking for them self.
Black Lives Matter—Do You Agree With Their Philosophy?
by minimus ini agree with people who say all lives matter.
i think blm is a racist group.
if white people pushed an agenda saying white lives matter, some people would have a conniption..
If these useful idiots really cared about black lives they would be marching to change the rot in black culture. From rap [not music] that calls women bitches and hoes to glorifying drugs and crime to the blaming a gun or the police for the rot and crime that runs rampant in their culture and communities. There are hundreds of shootings every week in black communities that are B on B and nothing is said about the real cause. My gun can sit on my night stand for a year and it will not hurt anyone. So its not a tool its the culture of black society that is to blame. But they will as usual not take responsibility for their actions or support of this rot.
They will blame and spew some BS that its racism or slavery. LMFAO this is just BS. No one has been a slave for over 150 years. So that is just Bull shit. There is no systemic racism in the US. Its made up BS to blame anyone but where the real blame lays. Or they blame the police. To pick out one two or three or even a whole precinct that has bad cops and say its the police who are at fault is about as stupid as saying every black is bad because some are murderers and thieves and criminal.
The leftist idiots have pushed this narrative that its not their fault and they are victims. This is only to get votes to push a socialist agenda. So you have the liftist idiots running this crowd and then the useful idiots who are too stupid to know what is really going on but they were promised Obama phones and go along because someone waved something shiny in front of them.
How many of you would actually believe a child abuser would let his crime be watched by minimum two witnesses?
by Thinkforyourself inin many closed religious cults, sects or globally widely spread religions, sexual abuse on big scale is revealed and covered up by the religious authorities.
in the jw, the culture is to deal with these matters within the org itself, and the rule is, "no crime can be proven without the presentation of at least two witnesses".
men made the rules, men commit these crimes and men defend them and even forse these children to meet and talk to their abusers.
The JWs do not care about what a molester does or does not do. They are only about control of its members. You toe the line or you are out. That way they keep control of the rank and file and put the fear of getting DFed and loosing their family and friends into them. To never even think about questioning.
Riots one reason to own an AR15 and several 30 round or 100 round mags.
by phoenixrising ini hear this from the leftist idiots all the time.
if someone breaks into your home 6 bullets are enough.
well if its a one of i would argue that i still my need more round for even just one person.
road to now where I have 4 sks rifles. Two Russian, and Two Chinese. All are collectable. They can accept 30 round and drum mags that are designed to take the place of the 10 round mag. These used to be thought of as junk guns when I started buying and selling them in the 90s and they went for 59 bucks each. Not they fetch 350 to 600 or more. They are well made and tough as nails. Using the same ammo as the AK47. Great round and fun to shoot. The supply has dried up in the US a bit so the ones for 350 are used and a bit beat up. Mine are as new. there are things to the SKS most people don't know about and when I told some in the Michigan Militia back in the 90s their jaw dropped to the ground. I bought a few drums for mine also. I have drums for my AKs when they were selling for 59 bucks.
We have a saying in the gun community here in the states stackem cheap and deep. As I said I am a net seller now. I don't need to buy anything and need to cull the herd now. I have several hand guns I need to sell. S&W SD9 and a Ruger P89 to name a few. With the riots and the virus many many liberal idiots see the need for guns and are buying. guns here and ammo are drying up and first time gun buyers are through the roof. I guess when push comes to shove non radical liberal idiots know that the police can not defend them against mobs of criminals when liberal idiots let them run wild.