Let's hope the person is not dead yet which could be a huge blessing .I am running out of my limit in posting ,so I encourage SweetBabyCheezits to be more open and realize that it is much better to take September 29,2011 into account than to think about what if and we come to October 1 ,2011 without any big change .
Calculations are solidly built on the Bible information . Also notice some striking similarities .
September 7,1994 AD could have been predicted for the day of Jesus' coming .It was a new year's day in the Jewish calendar if Harold Camping is right .
Now September 29,2011 is a New Year's day in the Jewish calendar ; though September 28 is the first full day after the new moon.
September 29,1994 AD was the Day of the Bible and now October 21 ,2011 AD is that day again and both me and Harold Camping have this day on table as the day for Jesus' coming .In my case it is like a back-up date as I see the September 29,2011 AD as a much better date.
Then I have alsom two joined dates : November 12 and 13 ,2011 AD.
The coming of Jesus is narrowed to the first day of a calendar year in the Jewish setting or the Day of Tabernacles that can be called the Day of the Bible and the 17th day of the second month must be used in the likeness of Noah's time - Genesis 7.11; Matthew 24.37-39 .
May 21 was this year as the 17th day of the second month in the Jewish spring calendar .
In the fall calendar this year 2011 AD we have in the Jewish fall calendar the 17th day on November 12 or 13 .
October 21 is the earliest possible date in any year for the 17th day of the second month in the fall Jewish calendar .
You serve God Yahweh ,not me for allowing us to know these dates in the Biblical setting .
To come up with September 29 ,2011 we must come first to September 29,1994 AD which was 2300 days from May 9,1988 AD when we count these days prophetically .May 9 is the earliest date for Pentecost. Harold Camping used the day of Pentecost to arrive at May,21,2011 AD he thought Jesus would come .He used the actual date for Pentecost that was in 33 AD but it was an average date for two dates : May 20 and May 22 ,33 AD .
Pentecost from Passover that year fell on May 20 when we use our solar calendar. April 1 + 50 days = May 20.
Jesus rose on April 3 , 33 AD and 50 days added give us May 22,33 AD.
The average date is May 21.
1955 years ended on May 20,1988 AD .
This period of 1955 years discovered by Camping already places him as number 1 Bible preacher on radio in my view .
Indeed there is a period of 1955 years between and in 1984 AD by God's guidance I came up with these two sets of dates :
29 AD - 33 AD - 36 AD = 1984 AD - 1988 AD - 1991 AD . In the middle we see 33 AD and 1988 AD and that means we have a time gap of 1955 years .
We can be sure that the period 29 AD - 33 AD - 36 AD has its replica only in our times and the best period is : 1984 AD - 1988 AD - 1991 AD .
Once we know the importance of the year 1988 AD we look for placement of 2300 days of Daniel 8.14 .
The latest revealed day distribution in a year shows this:
140 days precede May 20 or May 19 ( in a leap year ).
140 days is the ending in the 2300 days as 6 years 4 months 20 days . 4 months + 20 days = 140 days.
So ,we may count 140 days from May 20 ( Pentecost day ) backwards and add 6 years forward and come to May 21 ,1994 AD.
17 years for this period of Adam ( from his creation and sin ) : 4027 BC - 4010 BC we come to May 21,2011 AD.
That date was one of the very good predictions for Jesus' coming in view of that counting .
But 2300 days can be counted from May 9 as the earliest date for Pentecost and then we do this :
May 9,1988 AD + 6 years + 4 months + 20 days ( we count prophetically years and months jumping over our solar years and months )
then we come to September 29,2011 AD .The 2300 days ended on September 28,1994 AD and we add full 17 years from September 29,1994 AD and come to September 28,2011 AD and the next day September 29,2011 should begin a new era and we have 23 days ahead of us which can be for the period of 23 years : 2011 AD - 2034 AD or 1988 AD - 2011 AD which is less likely as the September 6-28,2011 is for the period 1988 AD -2011 AD .
May 22,2011 AD - September 28,2011 AD is 132 days for 132 years : 1879 AD - 2011 AD .
May 9 - May 19 = 11 days ; May 9 - May 20 = 12 days . 11 x 12 = 132 . 11 + 12 = 23 .
May 19 or May 20 are 140 days from the begining our solar years ( depending if it is a leap year or not ).
Note 23 can be within that 132 or outside :
132 + 23 or 132 - 23 = 109 .
1879 AD + 109 years = 1988 AD + 23 years = 2011 AD.
1879 AD + 132 years = 2011 AD + 23 years = 2034 AD.
The best alignment for 23 years is :
September 6-28,2011 AD for 23 years within 132 years.
September 29-October 21,2011 AD for 23 years outside of 132 years .
So,this alignment of dates would be ideal : 1988 AD ... 23 years ... 2011 AD .... 23 years .. 2034 AD .
How come I count 23 years from 1988 AD - 2011 AD .
In the period 1984 AD - 1988 AD - 1991 AD we have 7 years and we divide them into these:
4 days and 3 nights as first half and 3 days and 4 nights the second half .
. day* .. night ..day ... night .. day .. night .. day ../ half / night ... day ... night .. day.. night ... day .. night.
a day* as a year - Ezekiel 4.6 .
4 years + 3 years = 1984 AD .. 4 years ... 1988 AD ... 3 years ....1991 AD .
Follow the Bible ,not me !
http://www.comelordjesus2011.com .