It is certain that this 1914 generation will still exist on September 29,2011 if my prediction based on the Bible comes true that day . .
I think I remember some events when I was 5 .It can be with any human being so we can count the 1909 AD as the beginning for that generation.
1909 AD - 2011 AD = 102 years .
There might be thousands of people at least world-wide with the age of 102 + .
This generation would be widning down fast so this gives extra strength to September 29,2011 prediction.
I am giving at least a 88% chance to that date and 7% to October 21 ,2011 AD . While only 4% to 2034 AD.
May 21 ,2011 AD which is published on has a chance of 1% if I add some input to it.
But we can talk also about the generation that builds the spiritual ark for 120 years at least .
It is a period of 127 years as 7 days can be changed into 7 years using Ezekiel 4.6.
1884 AD - 2011 AD = 127 years.
This generation that will build the ark in 127 years will not pass away.
The best interpretation seems to be:
this generation of evil shall not pass away ( will not be destroyed ) untill the time when all these things predicted by Jesus will come to pass.
Matthew 24.34.
There will be evil people always till the very end and they will see the end .