May 21 ,2011 is a turning point indeed ! It was settled once for all .If you are not Jehovah's Witness or a friend of theirs never dare to make any prediction on Jesus' return or end of the world . These hold a sway in endtime predictions as God is perfect in His plans , not a God of confusion.
All things must be in line and dates must be presented that support the fact that we are in the times like Noah was and the 120-year ark must be built .
No other religion except the International Bible Students and their legitimate successors fit in this 120-year time frame to have contributed into the building a spiritual ark of salvation.
If any one predicts the end a question can easily be posed where do you have a 120-year period included in your prediction ?
Harold Camping did not have ! He failed ! The best Bible preacher on radio on this planet earth was defeated yesterday like no one else in our times we live . If what he predicted had happened he would be even destroyed for heretic views like that Jesus is God the Father !