Works a treat for Mac, thanks a lot.
JoinedPosts by iCeltic
WT Library 2011
by Haelcer innew watchtower library 2011 in english is available here:.
WT Library 2011
by Haelcer innew watchtower library 2011 in english is available here:.
Cheers Anony Mous
WT Library 2011
by Haelcer innew watchtower library 2011 in english is available here:.
Any Mac versions?
WT Library 2011
by Haelcer innew watchtower library 2011 in english is available here:.
Starting the download now, fingers crossed it works. Thanks for all the efforts to upload this.
WTS successfully refutes bogus UN conspiracy theory/hoax
by trthskr in
there will be more to come folks, when i'm allowed to start another topic.
cheers.. to respond to the posting below (since i can't reply right now), it's because they weren't aware of the change until then..
jwfacts, everyone, he/she doesn't care. It's been handy for one thing, jwfacts pdf tearing this stupid arguement apart.
WTS successfully refutes bogus UN conspiracy theory/hoax
by trthskr in
there will be more to come folks, when i'm allowed to start another topic.
cheers.. to respond to the posting below (since i can't reply right now), it's because they weren't aware of the change until then..
Isn't it also so clear that trthskr is a liar? Why is this littel prick being given the time of day?
Love? ffs, honestly.
WTS successfully refutes bogus UN conspiracy theory/hoax
by trthskr in
there will be more to come folks, when i'm allowed to start another topic.
cheers.. to respond to the posting below (since i can't reply right now), it's because they weren't aware of the change until then..
trthskr - azazel asked you politely to piss off, I wish you would, I now find you an irritating little shite. Sorry but it had to be said. This person is not listening to any reason and, as has been pointed out, didnt give a reply after 2 pages of evidence but instead posted a stupid you tube video. Piss off is me being as polite as I can to you.
It's hard enough dealing with all the crap the Watchtower has done to me without some arsehole spouting pish non stop.
Answer questions properly, give evidence of your claims, quote publications/dates or just F off.
2011 Watchtower publisher statistics with analysis
by jwfacts inthe 2012 yearbook has released the publisher statistics for the 2011 service year.
a scan of the report can be found at and i have started updating the graphs at
as expected, it is following on from similar trends to the last 15 years.
I'm sorry David, but I find it hard to believe you when you say if you thought it was an anti-JW site you would have avoided it. Please, if anything, be honest here. You have tried to argue your case (at times being disrespectful to Paul by quoting him JW "facts" which isn't the best behaviour) but it falls on its face.
The "facts" are that throughout the history of Watchtower it has said you must have Watchtower to understand the bible. It never made that something you can pick or choose for yourself. You don't go the "Bible" study on a Sunday, you go to the "Watchtower" study, why? Yes of course it says read the bible, no one is saying any different to that but the "facts" are watchtower tells you that you cannot "read" and understand the bible without using their publications.
I found Ray Franz, through his books, to be humble, honest and not self serving, just my opinion mind you. Watchtowers insistence on study through its publications only is not an opinion, that is a "fact".
WTS successfully refutes bogus UN conspiracy theory/hoax
by trthskr in
there will be more to come folks, when i'm allowed to start another topic.
cheers.. to respond to the posting below (since i can't reply right now), it's because they weren't aware of the change until then..
Sorry, wrong thread completely.
"We needed to use the library"... and other wacky Watchtower excuses.
by cedars ini'm sure we're all familiar with the crazy excuse that the watch tower society leadership came up with to justify their nine year period as a un ngo (non governmental organization).
amazingly, this seems to make perfect sense with watch tower apologists, who don't stop for a moment to ponder the following:.
you don't need to be a un ngo to use the un libraryif it was so innocent for them to hold un ngo status just to use the library, why did they withdraw their status when the issue received media attention?that aside, we are now witnessing the unravelling of fresh scandals to hit the society, most notably:.
Cheers for the answers, I know when I was there going to the book study was bearable, unlike the rest of the meetings.
If any elders/ex elders have that letter I'd love to see it.