I agree with that. We use evidence and logic is virtually every other area of our lives and yet, on this most important issue many choose not to. It boggles belief. If our lives somehow hang in the balance, why not be crystal clear with evidence? I don't understand, if there is a god, why god would kill most of mankind because he chose not to reveal himself.
If he was absolutely crystal clear on who he was there wouldn't be 1000's of religions with 10,000's of different views, beliefs etc. if our lives depend on it why not make sure we get it with no mistake? Why talk in riddles? Those things do not make any sense whatsoever to me. It's actually disgusting when I read folk saying the bible, or god or Jesus spoke in riddles because those people didn't deserve to know. You want worshipped or not for crying out loud!
i don't think it's asking too much for god to reveal himself without the threat of death hanging over us.