Satanus: " in quebec, french is the only requirement. Is this hypocritical?"
Living in Montréal, I can say that unless you speak both French & English... you'll find work but will not make alot of money. Most decent jobs require that you understand and speak English.
Learning a second language isn't that hard. It is impossible to do business in this global economy unless you understand English. Québecois know this. They also know this in India.
This is my analogy.
If I were to tell you that I am a baptized Jehovah's witness, that I no longer believe in the cult propaganda; but I stay in because my employer is a "brother". I think critically and want to make my own decisions, but I'm too afraid to lose my job. I hope you would tell me: "screw your job, even if you end up being poorer, you independance from the org is more important".
To those whose say Québec will never separate because of money, think again. It has nothing to do with it.