Its like gambling, many have gone all in.
The older one's have invested all their lives, their resources, they have brought up there kids in this belief system and grandchildren, they have alienated family due to Jw mandates and dogma and have rejected association with them and in so many words have said they will 'perish in Armageddon', Said to them "you are living a lie, you are in a false religion."
Imagine for a second the implication for them to entertain the idea, that they might be wrong?
Everything they hold true and dear is in the "truth" if its wrong they would become very ill and depressed, I dare to say they would just want to die.
The younger one's under 40 still have a chance and many are waking up. I know many that are on the edge. They attend and some have privileges but they really don't believe it all, they are the one questioning stuff quietly and with friends, I have been part of some, of these discussion but always hold my tongue, because if you get me started I wont know when to stop.Then you a the zealots their the torch carriers they will take this religion to the next generation, they will restructure this religion and it will become unrecognizable.