What's the purpose of being a JW now?
by MrTheocratic 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
With all the recent changes to this religion, what really is the purpose of being a JW? Especially for those who have been in and witnessed all the changes and still no sight of the end. For these ones in particular (35-55 year olds) they must be in a state of confusion. And if they are totally honest with themselves they must be asking ..."why continue? " Even though I'm still in I'm awake and I go through the motions. ....I can't for the life of me, understand how anyone with a honest mind can continue to believe that these men in Brooklyn are somehow divine? This I believe is the reason why recent converts to the organization have been persons who are either psychologically impaired or have drug issues ( I'm basing this off of what I see locally), not normal people. A normal person would see no use for this religion. What do you think? -
Saving oneself from destruction at Armageddon -
It's as Angus Stewart said 'a captive religion.' -
The smile, the talk of God, the congregation to worship together - all of those are attractive and what people want and see, and the bad things are not even thought about.
Better to be lonely ringing a bell and calling out "unclean" than to bathe in whitewash and infect those you attract.
What's the purpose of being a JW now?..
I went for a drink with an Elder in his early 30's a few weeks back and although he respected my wish not to go into why I no longer attended he just had to mention all the great changes which are happening because we're sooo close to the end. He's a bright lad as well, but just a bit potty for the org.
Then just yesterday I got talking to an ex Elder (he stepped down years ago due to mental health issues) and although being all about 'The Truth' he did say he couldn't go on much longer and longs for the new system. He's in in late 40's now, so from my experience it is ones in this group upwards that are feeling the strain of not getting what was promised by the GB.
Oh and I just remembered overhearing a group of older ladies in their 70's joking yet serious, about how they didn't think they would see 70 in this system of things!!! CD at its finest.
Its a cult! -
it appeals to a certain personality type, how many eccentric, neurotic,narcissistic types have we seen over the years in our jw life, plus another appeal is the sheep like ones, introverted, who love being controlled and directed in almost every facet of their life, plus the old well worn cliché that always comes up; "where else is there to go?" or as my father always used to say " if I was the only jw left on the entire planet I'd still believe it" Its self serving also many use it as a good buisness networking tool, sadly we have to accept it will be around far longer after many of us will have passed. -
It sells a dream just as it does for the millions of people who buy lottery tickets despite the chances of winning being very slim (admittedly some DO win the lottery though ).
They are told repeatedly what an awful world it is and how close we are to the end. It takes a brave person to give up at this stage.
It also provides a protective network and shield that they can retreat behind so when they see the bad things on the news they can get comfort by thinking it will all end soon.
For most, it is all they have ever known. Any changes made are made to seem plausible and the congregations are conditioned to feel grateful for such changes as its evidence of the light getting brighter and jehovahs spirit directing the congregation.
jookbeard you wrote: "...how many eccentric, neurotic,narcissistic types have we seen over the years in our jw life"
Well I'm still eccentric - check. I'm still neurotic - check. And I'm still a narcissist - check. This is all very troubling. I'm going to have to do some self re-evaluation.
What's the purpose of being a JW now?
Counting hours? Perhaps getting some new gear like an iPad?
I think the old answer is still the best answer: universal afterlife insurance.