JoinedPosts by MarkofCane
by The Rebel ini believe all our worst nightmare are believing money will make our life's complete.
i am not talking about money providing life's comforts, but i am mortified that contentment and happiness always requires " more money"..ummm i need a window cleaner, a flashy car and a 50inch t.v screen to be happy.
money...well in my opinion we need money integrity to be happy, but it seems such a waste of life to search for the making of money more than ....well what i mean "hey" most of us have more money than most, and would the making or having more money really make you happier?.
I do agree money does not necessary bring you happiness. But let me say that as a witness we were always discouraged from having nice things or would criticize you as being materialistic, you couldn't take a nice vacation because others would make you feel guilty and say "must be nice that you can afford it"? Really instead of pioneering get a real job. Having money allows for experiences you would otherwise never have, allows you opportunities you would never have encountered. We work hard and play hard, no guilt anymore and no obligation to a man made cult. Making money is a statement to my former congregation and a testament that you can have a awesome life outside of there cult. -
"Don't make mountains out of molehills"
by stephanie61092 induring the talk today, the speaker said, in reference to apostates, "don't make mountains out of molehills" and "all those who are do good to look up isaiah 43:18.
" to save you trouble, it says: "do not remember the former things, and do not dwell on the past.".
i'd like to see him read that scripture to the victims of the hundreds and hundreds of abuse cases the arc has unveiled from over the past 50 years.
What else can they say? There congregants are leaving in droves, there bank accounts are drying up, there name is being dragged through the mud because of lawsuits namely because of the pedophile issue. There prophecy's are staring back at them, for many in there twilight years as complete lies, as a waste of there lives, so hard to face as reality so they prefer to remain in their delusion.
There children are leaving as soon as they have a say, there religion has become a mainstream religion, JW-org is a slap in the face to many who where told that the internet is Satan's what? Direct everyone to JW-org so their superstars have there day in the Limelight. The elderly are being pushed aside, they wants younger tech savvy cobe and elders, everyone has to own a tablet and understand how to use it....really my 79 year old mother needs to buy one, learn to use it, pay for internet and download all her study material to be able to receive gods food at the proper time and keep up with the blinking light? Because God cannot communicate with out internet now. There religion is a mountain of lies so what else can they say?
Which delusion will you choose?
by JW_Rogue init occurred to me while at today's wt study that over 100 people were wasting an hour of their life studiously examining the differences between two delusions, paradise earth and the heavenly hope.
everyone made it sound so serious when in reality it means nothing at all.
either choice is wrong and foolish nonsense.. it was mentioned that mark sanderson found his heavenly calling at very young age.
I choose neither, I will always choose the red pill. -
The people are mobilizing Mr Drumpf
by Simon inprotesters shut down a trump rally.
massive numbers of people are out in chicago and have shut his event down.
there were scuffles inside the event.. despite his lame attempt to pretend the violence he instigates is nothing to do with him it's clear that it is as the cnn quotes during the last event showed only too well.. this doesn't happen at anyone else's events - candidates have even given up the stage to protesters, not called for them to be beaten and punched.. trump is an ugly person and this is just a small taste of what a future under his rule would be like.. shame on the gop for not kicking his ass out.
To be honest I have a lot of respect for the USA. I hate to see what is happening to it and how ugly Trump is making it look.
Ditto on that!
Memorial mixed emotions...
by Tornintwo indoes anyone else feel 'pulled back in' at this time of year?.
i still consider myself to a believer, believe in god and jesus christ, on the whole i think he taught tolerance, love, acceptance and i think we can benefit from following his example.
i love ray franzs book in search of christian freedom.
Thanks Faye
The mask of truth!
The people are mobilizing Mr Drumpf
by Simon inprotesters shut down a trump rally.
massive numbers of people are out in chicago and have shut his event down.
there were scuffles inside the event.. despite his lame attempt to pretend the violence he instigates is nothing to do with him it's clear that it is as the cnn quotes during the last event showed only too well.. this doesn't happen at anyone else's events - candidates have even given up the stage to protesters, not called for them to be beaten and punched.. trump is an ugly person and this is just a small taste of what a future under his rule would be like.. shame on the gop for not kicking his ass out.
Do you have any idea how much contempt there is for Trump and his fans outside the USA?
There's a certain amount of animosity towards Americans around the world, if Trump becomes president animosity will turn to hate.
The people are mobilizing Mr Drumpf
by Simon inprotesters shut down a trump rally.
massive numbers of people are out in chicago and have shut his event down.
there were scuffles inside the event.. despite his lame attempt to pretend the violence he instigates is nothing to do with him it's clear that it is as the cnn quotes during the last event showed only too well.. this doesn't happen at anyone else's events - candidates have even given up the stage to protesters, not called for them to be beaten and punched.. trump is an ugly person and this is just a small taste of what a future under his rule would be like.. shame on the gop for not kicking his ass out.
After watching hours of Donald Trump debates and political speeches I've come to the conclusion that if you don't see that he is dividing the country and spreading hate and racially filed rhetoric then you might be of the same deplorable nature. Its true that the president does not hold absolute power, congress is where the power lies.
Yet he will be the face of our nation, he will represent what we are as a people and as a nation, he will represent us to the world. His demeanor towards foreigners and his insults are inflammatory an indication of his inability to control himself. Is this the man we want to be the president of the most powerful nation of the world? I would expect it for a third world country, but not the most powerful nation of the world. The sad thing is the alternative? Cruz....Just the same old politics...just another politician. Kasich, to bad he has not chance to win the GOP. Might be are best bet.
If Sanders becomes president be ready to pay a crap load of taxes to fund his freebies, Hillary, professional politician, liar, untrustworthy and dangerous for our country. My 2 cents
Memorial mixed emotions...
by Tornintwo indoes anyone else feel 'pulled back in' at this time of year?.
i still consider myself to a believer, believe in god and jesus christ, on the whole i think he taught tolerance, love, acceptance and i think we can benefit from following his example.
i love ray franzs book in search of christian freedom.
I don't believe any of it, haven't contributed any funds for almost 3 yrs, haven't done service for over 3 years. When I go to a meeting it makes me physically sick to my stomach. I'm no longer comfortable in my old congregation I get a lot of weird stares like I'm the elusive yeti. I avoid the folks from my congregation, I've literally DF them from my life, I only see family still in. So why go?
Well they hold me hostage due to my family. If I don't go, my family will definitely find out. The elders will place me in a shepherding status to see whats happening. It will elevate more hostility from my family still in. I will create a lot of unneeded attention, so it easier to go and pretend. I just go and pretend it has meaning, that I might return, that i'm not an apostate. If they only knew? If they only knew how I really feel, that I participate on a internet forum that exposes all there lies, that I condemn their faith as complete bullshit. If they only knew? Would they want me there? What a tangled web we weave, indeed.
Unbelievable! Is this even allowed? Two elders from my hall RANDOMLY stopped by my apartment!
by macys inok wow.
i am really really pissed.
i had to really hold back and bite my tongue.
Its all just a fu@ked up game, the only real power they have is what you give them. I view them as misguided people, some times with good intentions, those I give some leeway. The one that are corporate men I don't tolerate in any shape or form. Be strong a lot of us are going through some very difficult stuff just in a different way we really do understand trust me we do. Be strong and know that you are not alone. -
Unbelievable! Is this even allowed? Two elders from my hall RANDOMLY stopped by my apartment!
by macys inok wow.
i am really really pissed.
i had to really hold back and bite my tongue.
Ya, Have to agree with the group, if you want to be reinstated then you must comply to there standards, once you are reinstated then you can avoid them and ask them to not show up uninvited. You can do it now but it will cast a questionable light on your sincerity of wanting to re join the flock. The memorial season is upon us and they are out in herds I see them everywhere, its kind of creepy that I was part of that frenzy and craziness. This is the crazies you are asking to return too so don't be shocked at there behavior just play there game, you just have to be smarter then them, trust me its not that hard.