Great visual of the ttatt. The society drill into your head, heart and
soul that you need them to be content and happy. Its not until your
forced to examine your whole existence, every word expressed to you as a
child, everything you took for granted that you realize, the very thing
that was your faith your stronghold, was really your prison. The
ideology that you believed in, would of died for......... was all an
illusion. The instrument (faith, bible) that protected you from all the
evils of the world, that subjugated your mind with fear, obligation and
guilt was all a self imposed determent to living the one life........ we are all given.
When you have this one epiphany your life changes forever and you stand apart from what was once, all you knew. You realize your delusion, feared and labeled an outcast.
You breathe in new life, the world is at your are free!