JoinedPosts by MarkofCane
Sweet 16 - Happy Birthday to Us !
by Simon init's the forum's 16th birthday today!.
amazing that not only have we lasted so long but we're still thriving and growing.. thanks to all the people and often colorful characters who've contributed to the site over the years.
some are still here with us, some have since moved on, but all have touched each others lives in some way along our different journeys.. .
Great site, invaluable information, changed my life and continues to help me expand intellectually. When I first started lurking I was shocked at what was being said. I could not believe I was being lied too, that I was in a cult. Three hard years later, what a journey. Thanks Simon for keeping this site open and maintaining it, I can only imagine the long hours of hard work and endless amount of time it demands. I hope you can continue, as long as the bOrg exist you must likewise. -
Hello Everyone!!!
by Christian Gutierrez inmy name is christian and my wife is katja, and we have been out of the organization for a year and a half.
we were both regular pioneers and i was a ministerial servant.
we were very much happy to be witnesses and doing our best to do more for the organization.
Welcome to the forum, great videos.
The JW org is a failed doomsday cult?
by Half banana inby its own mandate in the founding of the watchtower magazine in 1879, it was set up to proclaim the arrival of jc in the heavens according to the then currently failed adventist claim for jesus' return the year 1874.. russell's catalyst for all that came afterwards was his pet claim (in so many words) "aha but jc did in fact come... but came invisibly!
" he added without sound evidence that it took four years for jc to come to rule from the heavens after his arrival there and that then was said to be in 1878. .
within forty biblical years from the arrival date, russell promised, with hopes even higher than his bank account, that god’s kingdom with christ at the helm would rule the earth in the absence of all worldly opposition.
Anyone with half a brain, that has taken the time to research the society from it very beginnings has to know it's a scam, to many failed prophecies and so much deception to even be close to Gods true earthly organization. The top brass knows "truth" is not what there selling, but how do you release 8 million sheep into the wild? How do you come forward and admit it's all bullshit? The abstaining from blood deaths were for nothing, the military cards and the imprisonment for rejecting military service, nothing. Nazi concentration camps for nothing. How do you come forward now with so much blood shed? Its better to continue with the hope even if its a lie, then to come forward about the truth and expose your self to lawsuits and massive suicides for those lost sheep.
Signs of a cult.
Disturbance during Memorial 2016.
by Ben131895 intwo documented disturbances during memorial 2016. type 'memorial 2016' on youtube.
May I add, you will have much more success coming to a site like this where you can deconstruct there beliefs or can participate in a healthy, respectful debate about there mandates. There is more success with people coming to these sites, as we have seen in the last couple of months than any protest or disturbances in my opinion. -
Disturbance during Memorial 2016.
by Ben131895 intwo documented disturbances during memorial 2016. type 'memorial 2016' on youtube.
These type of disturbances send them into cult mode, they have been warned that apostates would ridicule them and are spiritually diseased hateful people, 'the seed of Satan'. With one purpose to try to destroy Jehovah's organization here on earth. Your playing into there martyrdom syndrome, there suffering for Christ complex. It does not work!
I remember the guys outside the District Conventions they looked crazy not the type I would be compelled to listen to or approach. They fit the description and actions the society gave them so there was a sense of validation that this was supposed to happen and they would act and look the way they did,"crazy". Remember these poor people ( jw's) are filled with angels and demon complex. Storming the lines only makes them build stronger defenses. So relax and beat them at there own game, live a fantastic life and they will take notice.
Why did I take the red pill?
by stephanie61092 inignorance really is bliss and reality is harsh.
just having a bad, emotional day i suppose.
We had a choice....or did we?
I would rather be in the JW cult than the ex-jw cult
by questioningmyfaith ini have posted one other time on this website.
just for the mere fact that i wasn't anger and bitter and ready to declare the gb the sociopathic criminals that so many here ascribe to, my initial question digressed to bickering over ad hominem attacks against the gb and not my beliefs that i'm questioning.
some did give me some help on my questions.
Every religion is a cult, Jesus was ( to some as they would believe, still is) the leader of the largest cult the world has ever seen. Muhammad more successful. When you have these organizations use malicious lies to control and subjugate there adherents, you then must fight fire with fire. You see strong words used to describe what people have gone through and you perhaps confuse that with a ttatt hate cult. But you are wrong, as extreme as the witness are we have no choice but to, say it like it is.
Look at what extreme cults are capable of, Belgium terrorist attacks an extreme veneration of an ideology. You think the witness aren't capable of such atrocities? Look at the blood mandate how many do you presume die each year? How about the Malawi registration cards little rule? Might not seem as extreme as a religious bomber ready to kill and die for his belief, but non the less people die because of a mandate demanded buy a cult. I think your rant is directed at the wrong group. Good luck to you Sir
Am l the only one.?The older l become the more hostile l become towards god.
by atomant inthey say you mellow out with age.maybe so but not in my case.l feel its an insult and degrading to us humans to have to live the way we do if there is a god.deep down l guess l do believe theres a god but lm having great difficulty trying to understand why things are the way they are.l dont need a bible bashing from anyone l just feel frustrated and helpless.l just battle on like everyone else but l get the feeling theres a whole lot more to our existence.
Older I get the more ornery I get and the less time I have for BS and fantasies.
Ya I can hardly sit through a meeting anymore it just racks me up to no end. Agitates me to the point, I fantasy about throat punching the speaker for spewing so much nonsense. I only believe in evidence, its the aftermath of leaving a cult. My wife calls me the "world renowned skeptic".
I like the fact that XJW's are passionate about politics
by minimus inthe fact is we could never talk about politics or of use toward political issues as witnesses now we can and we can disagree without being disagreeable .
Being a witness for so long and not having a opinion my entire upbringing. (well I always had an opinion just was very selective with who I shared it with) I just wasn't passionate about politics I really believed that God Kingdom was mans only solution to all of our problems. So I'm still trying to figure it all out, meaning politics. Not even sure at time's if I'm a democrat, independent or republican? I'm thinking republican. I would like to vote but would create to many issues if the family found out. But soon enough, I will register and will cast my first ballot.
If you don't vote, then don't complain.
by The Rebel ini believe all our worst nightmare are believing money will make our life's complete.
i am not talking about money providing life's comforts, but i am mortified that contentment and happiness always requires " more money"..ummm i need a window cleaner, a flashy car and a 50inch t.v screen to be happy.
money...well in my opinion we need money integrity to be happy, but it seems such a waste of life to search for the making of money more than ....well what i mean "hey" most of us have more money than most, and would the making or having more money really make you happier?.
I agree with your sentiments exactly. Residual income is how to build wealth, I'm a contractor, In my state when the economy took a dive we bought foreclosures many in my hall, where losing their homes or walking away from them after striping the equity out of them living above there means then, when there homes weren't worth what they owed, they walked. When they got word I was buying foreclosures they criticized, that I should be pioneering because the economy crashing was a sign that the political system was next and this system could not last, I was putting my faith in the wrong things. Well here we are 10 yrs later.
I do agree about not living a extravagant life, there's no need I have no one I need or want to impress. But we have what we need and we are all healthy. Family to me, is the most important thing, will always choose them over making money. Money = Tool is the best analogy, when you need it, it's invaluable if you don't have it, it causes a lot of hard work to achieve the same outcome.
If I lose it all! I don't worry I came from humble beginnings, I will always remember how to be poor.