They just simply wouldn't believe it. Hell, I'm still alive, and I can barely believe the convoluted BS that continues to be spew forth. - Wingcommander
Not surprised we have a lot of older ones in my hall and they just keep accepting all the changes as Jehovah's blessing, 'we must keep up with the celestial chariot'. As long as they keep drinking the kool aid they will swallow whatever's given to them, it seems odd to us because we see it from the outside looking in. It grossly apparent.
I remember the "1914 Generation will absolutely not pass away before the end comes", when I was studying to get baptized, I remember a elder trying to reason with me, saying "do the math, how many more years are left? 5?maybe... 7? Most of the anointed are in their 80's or 90's we are right at the threshold". "The doors of the Ark are open but not for long, Jehovah will close them and bar them closed, now is the time for action before its to late."
Now, they dismiss the whole thing as an unfortunate misunderstanding, clearer understanding has prevailed. yet no consideration for the lives affected, for the lives wasted in preaching lies. Now we must muster up courage and preach different lies, more complicated lies we cant even explain. The Overlapping Generations nonsense, I just consider myself fortunate, I unplugged when I did.