The truth holds no loyalty to beliefs, its either the truth or it's not. Doing mental gymnastics to make the JW version of truth possible was making me depressed, I was drinking on a daily basis and went on Paxil and Zoloft. On Sunday after meeting I would go out to eat with the family and get shit faced, during the week after meetings especially, my need for alcohol was intense. Once I allowed myself to scrutinize my beliefs and stopped the indoctrination my depression disappeared my need for alcohol is minimal almost more pills.
When I'm around those still in the bOrg i'm reminded of how miserable I was. My awaking has been tough, I've lost all my friends and shifting through family now. Some still communicate with us but very matter of fact our kids are ostracized by the kids in and around the congregations as well. These people are nuts, normal people don't act this way. So yes I was sad when I first discovered the ttatt, but after almost 4 years later I will was the best medicine for the soul and mind. I'm not a judgement ass anymore and I no longer live by end time fantasies. I'm a integral part of society now and this life and world I live in, is the "real life". My journey has opened new opportunities for me that I would of never considered when i was trapped in my mental prison, the truth does set you free.