What are you doing?
You are trying to compare one year of abuse cases in Australia to 65 years of cases with jws. Where’s the fairness in that?
To make it fair, we will take what was submitted to the ARC concerning abuse cases in WT from August 2015-August 2016.
In 2015-16 there were 67,748 jws in Australia. The branch submitted 17 reports to the ARC during that time span (two decided not to report as they were adults). But I’ll roll with 17. There were 5559 against a population of 24 million on the same time span for Australia has a whole.
That’s a ratio of 1 victim per about 4,000 members, which is still slightly higher than the ratio for the population of Australia.
The higher the population, the more cases, but the lower ratio. The lower the population, the lower the number of cases, but the higher the ratio.
It’s much more productive to compare similar groups of an equal or similar size or the numbers will always be skewed, especially when you’re trying to compare 24 million to a paltry 67,700.
Shucks, even one case in Australia means you have a one in 24 million chance of getting abused. One case in WT mean you have a one in 67 thousand chance. The rate will ALWAYS be higher.