Anyone of literally any educational level can grasp the material. Why alienate anyone? Why should they appeal only to people of a certain educational level?
You write according to your target audience. Their audience is literally any and everyone.
a user over on the jwtalk forum recently shared a warning over his research on evolution in preparation for an assigned talk.
after detailing a couple of the tidbits that he learned of during his research, he went on to say:.
this i found to be useful especially when talking ot others in the ministry.. but and it is a big but.....
Anyone of literally any educational level can grasp the material. Why alienate anyone? Why should they appeal only to people of a certain educational level?
You write according to your target audience. Their audience is literally any and everyone.
a user over on the jwtalk forum recently shared a warning over his research on evolution in preparation for an assigned talk.
after detailing a couple of the tidbits that he learned of during his research, he went on to say:.
this i found to be useful especially when talking ot others in the ministry.. but and it is a big but.....
Morph - “they never claimed at all that god kept him alive”.
Here they did:
This further alludes to it God intervening:
But you did say you never read it, so couldn’t have known about these references.
i know that the jdubs think that they are the center of the universe and in actuality, no one except ex-jdubs gives a rats ass about these religious crazies.
my question is i read that as a percentage of pedophiles per members, that the percentage is larger in the watchtower company than in the catholic church.
i would think that would catch someones attention in the media and make a good story.. what really pisses me off is the watchtower cult is gloating about all of the negative press the catholics are receiving concerning pedophiles not even knowing that the jdubs have thousands of sexual abuse cases that have been covered over.
At smiddy
The ARC did not find 1000 unreported victims. In March 2017, they admitted roughly half of them either already came to the attention of the police or had “insufficient evidence” to warrant a report.
So we know for sure that a good number of them were unproven accusations.
Better get to work on compiling these thousands of cases covered up!
And there’s the fact that the ARC published that number 3 years ago and it’s been covered ad nauseum.
So it’s no longer “news” to the media. You have to come with something new and substantial.
ex-jehovah’s witnesses to protest sex abuse scandals at pa. convention.
by david gambacorta, posted: 2 hours ago .
The mental gymnastics employed to attempt to explain how a organization can do two diametrically opposed things at the same time is...well...not all that shocking..
on a side note, the discussion is moot anyway. No mention of child abuse or destroying child abuse files, which, since 1997, have been maintained. .
Splash -
Don’t forget the WT is bi-monthly as well! .
Okay .
Lol facts are juvenile. Ok chief... .
The refusal of blood has been in place since 1945. Do the math on that.
Shunning? Ashamed? Are you freaking serious?
This was at a convention the public was invited to two years ago:
Child abuse? Ok. Sure. Where are the “thousands of cases” alleged earlier? .
Lol .
Get in line. The blood issue has been rehashed since WW2 really. The shunning issue was made clear in recent PUBLIC conventions. Child abuse? Go back to 2002.
Its the same ol tired stuff.